Lifetime Personal Health

  • Mom is 20

    My mom's health was pretty good in her 20's. She could go for days without much sleep. Physically, she could be very active and not be bothered by it. But she did have a lot of digestive problems, especially with things like heavy cream sauces and other dairy products. By the end of her 20's, she had met with a holistic doctor and learned to eat and act a bit more healthy. She maybe should have met with one sooner.
  • Mom is 30

    My mom's health was a little challenged in her 30's. In the first part of the decade, she was a vegetarian who did not eat in a very balanced way, surviving on mostly pasta with cheese. In her mid-to-late 30's, she had two little babies, so had less time to prepare healthy meals, and very little sleep. Subsequently, she had a lot of headaches. So maybe eating mostly pasta wasn't the best thing, as she needed other nutrients to keep balanced
  • Mom is 40

    My mom's health in the beginning of her 40's was really not very good. As she had less time as single mom, she would focus only on what was healthy for the kids and then eat mostly bread and butter for herself. After a series of fainting spells, she visited a nutritionist at People's Pharmacy who set her on the right diet and supplements to get her the missing nutrients and put her back on track. After that, she was feeling pretty healthy.
  • Mom is 50

    My mom's health has been pretty good in her 50's. But she has been surprised at her body's lack of ability to do some things that she used to like to do. For example, she used to love to ride roller coasters, but now they make her feel dizzy. She cannot lift as many things or push her body to do as much as she used to. And her eyes do not work as well. Extra sleep, getting the right vitamins, and wearing glasses could all help with that
  • I'm 20

    In my 20's, I should not eat a lot of unhealthy foods (such as fast food), I should exercise to keep my body active and strong, and I should wear sunscreen to reduce the risk of cancer. I will need a regular checkup every two years and I should visit a gynecologist. I should start to take more care of my sexual health and make sure my emotion health is at its best.
  • Sky will be 20

    Sky, my little brother will be 20 on this day. To live a long and healthy life, he should be getting important nutrients, such as protein and such to grow strong. He shouldn't be smoking so that he doesn't have the risk for cancer later. He should get active to stay in shape and build bone. He should get a testicular exam, if it is recommended by the doctor. He should watch his mental health, as stress or depression could hut him.
  • Mom is 60

    My mom should have more time to work on her health, as her kids will be out of the house. She should go to the doctors office more often and hike more, as she loves to be out in nature. She should give herself more healthy options to eat and not as much fast food as she won't be a student so she will have more time to cook. She should now be able to focus on her health more
  • I'm 30

    I should watch my weight, because it can give me diabetes and heart disease, so exercise is important. With work and family, I should try to reduce my stress. I should be careful about not overworking or out doing myself. I should be getting regular screenings and breast exams, and skin cancer screenings are important.
  • Sky is 30

    As time passes, he may gain some extra weight that could cause chronic pain, so he should exercise and make sure he is getting all the vitamins he needs in a healthy diet. Hopefully the exercise will help reduce any stress he has gathered. He should take care of his back (back pain is super common in my family and he hasn't gotten any yet) so he should practice some good posture. And again, he should get a testicular exam if the doctor says so.
  • I'm 40

    When I am 40, I might be getting some more chronic pain, such as back pain and arthritis, and osteoporosis, which is when your bone mass starts to crumble. I am at a higher risk to this. I should still be eating healthy and getting that physical exam every 2 or 3 years as my doctor instructs.
  • Sky is 40

    Sky will be 40 on this day, so he might start to find certain cancers and heart disease, so physical exams are as important as ever now! I don't want to think about this, but he might develop erectile dysfunction, so taking car of that might be necessary. Chronic pain is prominent in this stage of life, so exercising is important so it doesn't worsen.
  • I'm 50

    When I am 50, I am at risk for chronic health problems, so I should be getting a normal amount of exercise and not smoke. I should be concerned of cancer, so I should get my regular checkups. Getting those physical exams every two years is important. I should be getting some screening tests, like mammograms and pelvic exams.
  • Sky is 50

    Sky will be 50 now, so he should cut back on his sodium intake and replace it with fruits and vegetables and fibers so that he can gain back some strength lost to old age. Thirty minutes to an hour of exercise each day will reduce risk for osteoporosis. He already does this, but doing activities that challenge his mind will keep up his mental health. If he is smoking, which he should't be, he will need to quit it, as it is damaging to the lungs. Also he should have a few physical exams.
  • i'm 60

    In my 60's I am at risk for heart disease and diabetes, as my body is slowly decaying. So to stay healthy, I should be getting at least 30 minutes of excersice a day, but at a more slow pace. I should check my blood pressure regularly, and I should go and see a doctor more often and get more vaccines,shots, and tests (such as a bone density test). I should baby proof my life in a way that reduces my fall for risks.
  • Sky is 60

    Sky will be in his golden age now, and while his heart may be golden, the health of his heart is at risk, so he should know his blood pressure so he knows how to control it and keep it healthy. Finding the right form of exercise is beneficial, so he can stay healthy while doing the things he loves. He needs to see his health care provider regularly and get shots such as the flu vaccine. And because my brother can be clumsy at times, he should really reduce his risk for falls.