Amanda Harms Lifetime Personal Health

By ajh
  • 20's

    I will eat healthy to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes and exercise regularly. I will never smoke and only drink on occasion. I will build bone, protects my eyes and skin, avoid indoor tanning and maintain good hygiene. I will get regular check ups and take care of my sexual health.
  • 30's

    I will maintain a healthy weight by exercising everyday to prevent heart conditions, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis. I will reduce the amount of sodium I consume and I will get a good amount of sleep every night. I will protect my skin, never use illegal drugs, and only use over the counter and prescription drugs as directed. I will reduce as much stress as I can, never drink and drive, and always wear my seat belt.
  • 40's

    I will have mastered healthy habits by now. I will stay up to date with what illnesses and diseases are most common in my age range. I will get at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday. I will pay attention to skin problems, hearing loss, and loss of vision. I will get physical exams, dental exams, comprehensive exams, blood pressure screenings, diabetes screenings, cholesterol screenings, baseline skin exam, baseline EKG, colorectal screenings, and immunizations.
  • 50's

    In my 50's I will have good nutrition to prevent osteoporosis. I will physically and mentally stay active for at least 30-60 minutes a day, challenge my mind and maintain a healthy weight. I will be aware of the common health concerns in my age range. I will remain getting all the same checkups I have been for the last 10 years.
  • 60's

    In my 60's I will learn the warning signs for the most common medical condition for my age, talk to my doctor, and follow my health care provider recommendations. To stay healthy I will protect my heart, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and eat healthy. I will see my doctor regularly, stay up to date on vaccinations, screenings, and exams. I will always wear my seat belt, have smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors.