Lifespan Timeline

  • January 6, 1999 - Trust vs Mistrust

    When Christina was a baby she would cry when hungry. When she cried her mother and father would often feed her. In Erikson's first stage the crisis is in trusting or mistrusting people, as in trusting that your needs will be met and you will be looked after.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    When Christina was in Elementary school she submitted her science project to the State Science Fair. She won first place in her grade. She felt proud and smart with her achievement. In Erikson's 4th stage the crisis is in developing industry (confidence) or feelings of inferiority. The outcome of this event was developing confidence.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Christina developed a close friendship with Jess. She and Jess were able to share parts of their lives and thoughts with each other that they hadn't with other people. They continued to be very close friends, even after big life changes. In Erikson's 6th stage the conflict is in intimacy or isolation, being able to be vulnerable and trust others or seclude oneself from others. In this stage the result was intimacy.