Life and the philosophy of

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    Aristotle sees the universe as a set of scales with matter without form on one side and forms without matter on the other. Species' are eternally fixed in this position. The higher items are more organized and the lower items are the inorganic and the higher are organic.
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    Plato has his Theory of Forms. That there are different forms and the things we see mearly mimic those forms. The ultimate form being the form of good.
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    Legendary Laozi

    Laozi is the central figure of Daosim. Daosim is just life as it is. There is no good no bad and no bigger than life ideas. There are just actions in accordance to Dao.
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    Confucius taught others to treat others the way you would want to be treated. He believed that Heaven and nature set certain paramaters that you could not escape, only the actions you did to have people remember by is what you could control.
  • Jan 1, 1076

    Zhang Zai

    Believed that all things are composed of qi. He also believe that everything in this world is just condensed qi and that qi acts in accordance to two things, yinn and yang
  • Jan 1, 1516

    Thomas More

    Thomas More wrote the book Utopia and in it he wrote about a place that has no need for lawyers because of the law's simplicity. Their is communal ownership and education is equal among men and women. There is almost complete religous tolerations, except for atheists, who are despised.
  • Descartes

    Descartes theory of dualism. There is a mind and a body. The pineal gland is the seat for the mind within the body. The main point of dualism is that the mind controls the body but the body can influence or take over at times.
  • John Locke

    Locke had the idea that all men are given the right to life, liberty and property. His ideas inspired the American Revolution and his words are in our Decleration with the exception of property which was changed to the pursuit of happiness.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine's idea of a utopia was a mixture of civic republicanism, free market involvment, and liberty in general.
  • Mencius

    Believed that all humans are born good and are innately good. He also believed that they had four beginnings just as they had four limbs. He said that external controls is what kept humans from moral righteousness.