
Lewis Federation

  • Australia Found!

    Australia Found!
    Captain Cook dicovers Australia but doesn't set foot on it. He goes back to Britain and informs the people
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The First Fleet come to Australia and First set foot on the land.
    The aboriginals were the first inhabitants of the land though.
  • First Australian constitutional convention

    First Australian constitutional convention
    The first Australian constitutional convention is held and led by sir Henry Parkes.
  • Henry Parkes' speech

    Henry Parkes' speech
    Henry Parkes delivers his famous speech to let everyone know that Australia becoming a nation is a good idea at tenterfield. He does this at the first Australian constitutional convention.
  • Australian referendum result is yes

    Australian referendum result is yes
    all colonies of Australia vote yes to Australia becoming a nation. The last to accept is WA
  • Australian nation

    Australian nation
    Australia finally becomes a nation
  • Australian flag

    Australian flag
    A Blue Ensign defaced with the Commonwealth Star in the lower hoist quarter and the five stars of the Southern Cross in the fly half.
  • Commonwealth Franchise

    Commonwealth Franchise
    Commonwealth Franchise and Commonwealth Electoral Acts to women being able to vote
  • First Prime Minister

    First Prime Minister
    The first Prime Minister, Sir Edmund Barton, was elected.
  • First Federal Election

    First Federal Election
    first federal election in accordance with Commonwealth law
  • Coat of Arms

    Coat of Arms
    The coat of arms is made. In the top half, from left to right, the states represented are: New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. In the bottom half, from left to right: South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania.
  • National Anthem

    National Anthem
    Before its adoption as Australia's national anthem, "Advance Australia Fair" had considerable use elsewhere. For example, Australia's national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Commission, used it to announce its news bulletins until 1952