
Launching a New Nation

  • Period: to

    Launching a New Nation

  • Declaration of Rights

    First step to creating a constitution. Life, Liberty, Prosperity.
  • Washington is elected President

  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States.
  • District of Columbia

    to win support for his debt plan from southern states, hamilton offered a suggestion: what if the nation's capital were moved from nyc to a new city in the south? the south had always been concerned about domination by the more urban north, so this idea pleased southerners. virginians agreed to back the debt plan. in 1790, the debt bill passed congress, along with authorization for the construction of a new national capital in the district of columbia.
  • Bank of the United States

    first bank established in 1791 as part of the system proposed by hamilton to launch the new government on a sound economic basis
  • Jefferson vs Hamiltion Debate

    Debate over National Bank
  • Washington re-elected.

  • Washington resigns as president.

  • Whisky Rebellion

    1791 congress put a tax on all whisky made and sold in u,s, revolt tested strength of government, farmers grew corn to make whisky, refused to pay tax on it, 1794 western pa, farmers rebelled on tax collector by burning down his home, large angry mob marched through pittsburgh, washington sent 13,000 troops stop rebellion, people ran away when heard the news.
  • Jay's Treaty

  • John Adams took office

    Elected in 1796
  • Alien and Sedition Acts signed by Pres. Adams

    Alien: Allowed Pres. to deport immigrants.
    Sedition: If you speak bad of the Pres., you go to jail.
  • Virginia and KEntucky Resolutions

    Declared the Alien and Sedition Acts unconstitutional.
  • XYZ Affair

    an insult to the american delegation when they were supposed to be meeting french foreign minister, talleyrand, but instead they were sent 3 officials adams called "x,y, and z" that demanded $250,000 as a bribe to see talleyrand.
  • Thomas Jefferson begins his first term

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Purchased from France for $15 million.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    One of the justices, William Marbury, sued Madison for his appointment, and the case eventually reached the Supreme Court in 1803. Chief Justice John Marshall, a die-hard Federalist, sympathized with Marbury but believed that Jefferson would never adhere to a ruling against Madison. Therefore, Marshall ruled in Marbury v. Madison that although Marbury was entitled to the judgeship, the Supreme Court could not force the president to give it to him.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition started.

  • Thomas Jefferson begins his second term

  • End of Lewis and Clark Expedition.

    Traveled with Nativie American, Sacogawea. They were hired by Thomas Jefferson to explore the land of the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Aaron Burr Conspiracy

    after being kicked out of office for his second term. burr plots with wilkinson (the governor of the louisiana territory) to secede from the us. when jefferson catches wind of the plot wilkinson betrays burr. burr is guilty of treason and acquittal by john marshall and flees to europe where he urges napoleon to attack america.
  • War of 1812 Started

    resulted from britain's support of indian hostilities along the frontier, interference with american trade, and impressments of american sailors into the british army (1812 - 1815)
  • Treaty of Ghent signed.

    Ended War of 1812.
  • Treaty of Ghent ratified.

    Ended War of 1812
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napolean Defeated.