Language Development

  • Birth

    Babies have differentiated crying to signify needs.
  • 7-9 weeks

    Babies first vocalizations of vowel-like sounds.
  • 9-11 months

    Baby imitates tongue clicks, babbles, and understands and carries out simple commands.
  • 12-15 months

    Child uses one or two words in a meaningful way.
  • 18-21 months

    Child is able to use six to twenty recognizable words.
  • 33-36 months

    Toddler has more adult-like speech and uses two hundred or more words.
  • 6 years

    Child begins to learn visual mode of communication with writing and reading and has a 2,000 word expressive vocabulary.
  • 10 years old

    Children this age tent to converse with mostly with peers and have a vocabulary of 30,000 words.
  • 15 years old

    Children this age have developed most of the language skills they will develop up to adulthood.
  • 18 years old

    Children this age have a vocabulary of approximately 60,000 and their language development is almost complete.