lando civil war

  • missouri compromise

    maine becomes a free state and missouri becomes a slave state. split the louisiana purchase along the 36 30 line with the north being free and the south being slave. this caused more of a divition in the country, which helped lead to the cicil war
  • compromise of 1850

    California became a free state. the fugitive slave act was allowed. This angered the northerners, and caused higher tensionbetween the north and south which lead to the civil war
  • uncle toms cabin

    uncle toms cabin was a book, this showed how cruel and horrible slavery really was.this helped lead to the civil war because it angered many southerners and was banned in the south. the main charecter in the books name is uncle tom
  • preton brooks

  • john brown; harper ferry attack

  • john brown; masacre

  • [;'='-[;][]]';[-\+"{?"{+|?';-';-/yu6

    fort sumter was a northern fort in 1861. it was[ 999