Laiken's Family Timeline

  • Birth

    Born at the Manora Medical Hospital in Kansas
  • 0-1 years old

    0-1 years old
    Took my first steps at 9 months old, and said my first word, "ball"
  • 2 years old

    2 years old
    Twin brothers Brady and Connor were born
  • Historical Event

    Historical Event
    The United States Bureau estimated that the population in the U.S. reached 300 million
  • 3 years old

    3 years old
    Visited my great-grandparents in Florida
  • 4 years old

    4 years old
    Started preschool, and my great-grandma moved in
  • Historical Event

    Historical Event
    Barack Obama becomes the first African American president
  • 5 years old

    5 years old
    Started playing soccer at AYSO
  • 6 years old

    6 years old
    Attended my first Michigan state hockey game
  • 7 years old

    7 years old
    Played Upward basketball (I was the only girl)
  • 8 years old

    8 years old
    A house burnt down in my neighborhood. My brother Connor had heart surgery.
  • 9 years old

    9 years old
    Took a vacation to Ft. Lauderdale
  • Historical Event

    Historical Event
    Multiple bombs explode near the end of the finish line of the Boston Marathon
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    Our friends from Virginia visited for a few weeks.
  • 11 years old

    11 years old
    I went to Disney World for the first time
  • 12 years old

    12 years old
    Ran my first 10K and placed 2nd in my age group
  • 13 years old

    13 years old
    Adopted a puppy and named her Bailey
  • 14 years old

    14 years old
    Visited the Grand Canyon for the first time
  • 15 years old

    15 years old
    Went to Costa Rica for spring break
  • 16 years old

    16 years old
    Got my license. Covid year
  • 17 years old

    17 years old
    Bought my first
  • 18 years old

    18 years old
    Voted for the first time