KQ5 Timeline

  • "Little Boy" bomb

    "Little Boy" bomb
    The first atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" was dropped in the city of Hiroshima. Bombing over 60% of the city itself. 70,000 residents died in a flash of heat. This picture is known as the mushroom cloud.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    After deciding that the Batista regime couldn't be over thrown, through legal means, Castro gathered a force of armed rebels and attacked the Moncada Barracks in Santiago and the barracks in Bayamo.
  • The Vietcong formed

    The Vietcong formed
    The Vietcong were succesors of the Vietnamese who were initially formed as the anti-guerillas. Then, they transferred their skills to successful fighting. They were more nationalist than communist.
  • Kennedy is elected as president

    Kennedy is elected as president
    John F. Kennedy was elected as the United States president. Narrowingly he beat Republican President RIchard Nixon. H became a big part of the "thirteen days".
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    This invasion was intended to provoke the popularity for an uprising against Fidel Castro. Instead, it ended up giving Castro a military victory and a permanent symbol of Cuban resistance to American aggression.
  • Khruschev announces the removal of missiles

    Khruschev announces the removal of missiles
    Khruschev explained that the missile crisis sites were to soley defend Cuba against the attack of the aggresor.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    National Guard troops opened fire on students, wounding nine and killing four students.
  • Last American troops leave Vietnam

    Last American troops leave Vietnam
    Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on students, wounding nine and killing four students.
  • Vietnam War was "over"

    Vietnam War was "over"