Key Events 1913-2013

  • Communist Revolution in Russia

    Russia's empire created several new countries that are known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans and under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin
  • The Comintern Formed

    The Comintern is an international communist organization
  • Treaty of Versailies

  • Swap of Priministership

    In the UK, Stanley Baldwin (a conservitive) and Ramsay MacDonald (Labour leader) swap the prime ministership several times over 1923-1937
  • Australia's first radio broadcast

    Took place in Sydney
  • Death of Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin died, Joseph Stalin (The general secretary of the Communist Party) takes over power in the USSR
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer begins the era of 'taking pictures' and the end of silent films
  • Stock Market Crash

    Wall Street stockmarket crash; beginning of global depression
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Black Friday Bushfires

    Black Friday bushfires in Victoria kill 71 people and destroyed 5 towns
  • World War 11 begins when Germany invades Poland