:)Kendyl's American History Timeline(:

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus.

    Christopher Columbus.
    In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail at sea from Spain, and explored islands in the Carribbean. People say he was the first explorer to find North America.
  • English Colonists

    English Colonists
    The English settlers who arrived, came to start a new life. Some wanted to be free from debt. Others wanted to own their own land or practice their religions freely. The first English settlement took place in Jamestown, Virginia, founded in 1607. In 1619 it had the beginnings of self-government.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    In 1754 Britain and France went to war over land in North America. British fought against the French and their Native American allies. Americans call this the French and Indian War. In 1763 the British were victorious with the colonists' help.
  • Britain Got REJECTED!!!

    Britain Got REJECTED!!!
    The British thought that the colonists should have to help pay money for the war and defense. The colonists boycotted the British goods also. Resentment grew against British rule causing the Revolutionary War to break out in 1775. In 1781 George Washington led the American forces to victory.
  • How It Came To Be

    How It Came To Be
    Before the colonists won independence, the 13 colonies worked on a plan of government called the Articles of Confederation. New states agreed to form a stronger central government. They set up thr framework for our federal government by writing the Constitiution. The highest law of the United States approved in 1788.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana territory first belonged to France, then Spain. Europe fought Spain to give the land back to France. In 1803 France offered to sell the land for 15 million to the United States. This sale was is called the Louisiana Purchase. It doubled the size of the United States, later on the land would be split into smaller states.
  • South Breaks Away

    In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel called Uncle Tom's Cabin. It was about the evils or slavery. Thousands of Northerners became abolitionists after reading this. Many helped enslaved people escape to Cananda, where slavery was illegal. Some sotherners thought that abolitionists were robbing them of their property. When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860, southerners thought thar rhey would have little say in the government. It turned out that some southerners withdrew from the U.S
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Immigrants came fromo Europe to the United States hoping to find jobs. They were spurred by the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was were the change of making things hand made to machine made. The first Industry was textiles, and cloth-making. Other inventions like the steam engine ,ade traveling easier and faster, By 1860 railroads linked northeastern and southestern cities.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    In 1861 the Civil War between Northern states and Confederacy erupted, this lasted for 4 years.The North had more wealth, industry, and soldiers. The Conferderacy had military officers, they aslo had cotten. Southerners hoped that these contries would help support the Confederacy in its struggle.In 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which delcared that enslaved people in areas loak ti the Confederacy were free. Maby African Americans joined to fight the South.
  • World War ||

    World War ||
    World War || was fought against the natzi's because they were killing the Jews. If we didnt have the World War || then a lot more people would be alive.