Karlee's Life Path

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    Born - 12 years old

    I was born in Winnemucca, Nevada on August 2, 2000. I moved to Canon City, CO shortly after turning one years old in 2001. I also lost my Grandpa Wells that year. During these years in elementary and middle school I had found some life long friends. In the late 2000s I lost my Grandma Wells. This death was extremely hard on me cause I had watched her die a slow death in a nursing home for several months.
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    Highschool years 13 - 18 years

    I got my drivers license on August 5, 2016. Few days prior to getting my drivers license I got my braces off. During these rough high school years I have found myself being overly independent and very ready to graduate.
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    After Graduation 19 years+

    Although I'm not entirely sure about my plans after graduation I hope to go straight to cosmetologist school to get my license somewhere within the state. I deeply hope that no matter where I end up I enjoy every step along the way. I hope to be married with an intelligent man, that wants to raise two children and several small dogs with me.