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Kanakuk Kamps

By bmmagee
  • Kugaho Kamp

    Kugaho Kamp
    In 1926, the Kugaho Kamp started under C.L Ford. The "K" Kamps were created as a summer camp for young boys and then later girls who desired leadership skills and to grow deeper into their faith. (1950) Kanakuk [image] History. Retrieved April, 18, 2016 http://kanakuk.com/about-kanakuk/our-history
  • Kugaho was changed to Kanakuk

    When Coach Bill Lantz became director, he changed its name to Kanakuk. He also instilled core values that are still tough today.
  • Joe and Debbi White bought Kanakuk Kamps

    Joe and Debbi White bought Kanakuk Kamps
    Joe White and his wife Debbi White bought Kanakuk Kamps from Spike White. Under Joe and his wife the other Kanakuk Kamps were opened and most are still open and ready for another summer in 2016. Kanakuk. (n.d.) White, Joe {image] Retrieved April, 18, 2016, http://kanakuk.com/users/jwhite
  • K-2 Kanakuk Kamp was opend

    K-2 Kanakuk Kamp was opend
    K-2 was created as more of an athletic training camp for student athletes. The campers here can choose between two weeks and a month long term. They also have the choice to make their schedule fill it with as much time in their sport. Kanakuk. (n.d.) K-2 Cross. [image] Retrieved April, 18, 2016 https://www.google.com/search?q=knaku+kk2&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS599US599&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwix8zS0ZnMAhWGOiYKHSUSCakQ_AUICigE&biw=1517&bih=665&dpr=0.9#tbm=isch&q=kanakuk+k2&imgrc=rx5k0n4fQ4T3
  • K-Life

    K-Life was created for college students to give high school students a safe environment to come and learn about the Gospel and all that Jesus has done for them. There are many locations K-life can be found at; the closest to U.C.M. is in KC, MO.
    (2016). K-Life Dodgeball Tournament. [image] Retrieved April, 18, 2016,https://www.google.com/search?q=k+life&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS599US599&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiNkdToyZrMAhVB1CYKHT2jDlUQ_AUICCgC&biw=1517&bih=665&dpr=0.9#imgrc=JRstly1Id0ZTg
  • K-West Kanakuk Kamp was opend

    K-West Kanakuk Kamp was opend
    K-West is solely for middle school aged kids. Understanding that the early teen years can be hard, Kanakuk wanted to give campers a two week get away from how mean the word can be and allow them to escape into love, adventures, and learning about the Bible. Magee, B. (2015). Welcome Back to Kamp. [image] Retrieved April,18, 2016 https://photos.google.com/u/1/photo/AF1QipPss8CbAhvQmsXBfP-62XLXGgmIkgndv-pN7rN1
  • K-Kountry

    K- Kountry is a camp for the youngest campers! They can start to go to the overnight camp at the age of 7. The idea with these campers is to reassure them that they are loved, special important and beautiful in the sight of God. Kanakuk. (n.d.) [image] Retrieved Arpil, 18, 2016 https://goo.gl/QigLBp
  • Kids Across America (KAA)

    Kids Across America (KAA)
    Kids Across America or KAA was created to give students in more urban areas a chance to come and enjoy the fun at Kamp! There are four divisions within KAA and they are based on age. KAA has many of the same goals as Kanakuk Kamps do, and that is to spread the love of Jesus. Kids Across America. (2014) KAA 2014 Staff Spell it. [image] Retrieved April, 18,2016, https://goo.gl/sEM91H
  • K-Seven Kanakuk Kamp was opened

    K-Seven Kanakuk Kamp was opened
    My personal Favorite, Kanakuk K-Seven was opened in 1993. This camp was originally created for 7-18-year-olds however in 2015, K-Seven teamed up with K-West. K-West received some of the younger campers and K-SEven admitted new campers to its gates. K-7 is a week long camp backed with fun adventures, memorable stories and new lessons from the Bible daily. Kanakuk. (2015) Lampe Marching Band. [image] Retrieved April, 18, 2016 http://photos.kanakuk.com/p589929774
  • Brielle goes to kanakuk k-7

    My first year as a Kamper it was a hard adjustment. I did not know much information on the Kamp or what was going to occur there. After the first few days, I had Accepted Jesus Christ, only Son of God as my personal savior; because of Kanakuk my life started to change.
  • Brielle's 2nd year at K-7

    Brielle's 2nd year at K-7
    In 2009, I returned having a little more information on the Kamp and what was going to happen. I met new friends fell in love with new activities like the blob, water skiing, zip lines and continued to learn more about God. That year I decided to devote my life to Jesus and let others know; I was baptized in Table Rock Lake. Magee, J. (2009 June, 6) Brielle being Baptized. [photograph]
  • Brielle's 3rd year at K-7

    Brielle's 3rd year at K-7
    2010, my life was changed more than I ever thought by a single woman, my counselor Kelsey B. This crazy, outgoing and very loving woman showed me that it is okay to be your Disney loving, random dancing, loud self. To this day, I credit her for a lot of how I am. We have stayed in touch since that summer and she is part of the reason I wanted to become a counselor. Magee, B. (2009, November, 8). Teepee 10. [image] Retrieved April, 18, 2016, https://goo.gl/HLAkrh
  • Brielle's 4th year at K-7

    Brielle's 4th year at K-7
    Some of the Activites that K-7 Kampers get to enjoy are Rock climbing, repelling, the pool, the lake, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, whiffle ball, basketball, fitness classes as well as much more. K-7 is a place where students from all over can come and leave their past outside the Kamp gates and can enjoy themselves for who God created them to be. Magee, B. (2011, June, 14). [image] Rerieved April, 18, 2016, https://goo.gl/0j5141
  • Brielle's 5th year at K-7

    Brielle's 5th year at K-7
    The first day of camp, the counselors greet the excited campers then race down the hill into camp! The campers find out what teepee (instead of a cabin) they will be staying for that week along with who their counselor will be. Magee, J. (2012).Welsome to Kamp. [photogreaph]
  • Brielle's sixth year at K-7

    Brielle's sixth year at K-7
    K-7 has a ropes course in the center of its Kamp. About fifty feet up in the air, a camper and their partner must learn to work together to accomplish the course. When the pair finish and descend on the screamer (pictured above) the counselors talk about how Treetops (the ropes course) is similar to their spiritual walk with Jesus.
    Magee, B. (2013, June, 13). [image] Retieved, April, 18, 2016 https://goo.gl/ElhxbD
  • Brielles 7th year

    Campers are no longer to return to Kanakuk after their 18th birthday or the summer after their senior year of high school. 2014 was my last year as a Kamper.
  • Brielle's First year as a couosler

    Brielle's First year as a couosler
    I was hired on staff to go and work at the place that changed my heart and life. I got to be a counselor to over 48 girls and in that time 13 of them came to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior! A prayer of 6 years came to a reality when I was able to be the counselor that a previous college student was to me.
    Kanakuk.(2015) .K-7.[image].retierved, April, 19,2016. http://photos.kanakuk.com/p251262592
  • Brielle UCM Campus Rep

    Brielle UCM Campus Rep
    For each university, a staff member has the opportunity to become a Campus Rep. In other words, they are the liaison between Kanakuk and their school. I was hired to be the U.C.M. Campus Rep this year. As campus Rep, I scheduled a time that Kanakuk came to campus back in the fall, interviewed college students who wanted to give their summer to loving Jesus and teaching studnents to do the same. Magee, B.(2015, October, 17) Work at Kamp. [image].retrieved, April, 18, 2016, https://goo.gl/Bd4XCD