Jurgensen- Late 19th/Early 20th Century Art

  • Impression: Sunrise

    Impression: Sunrise
    Monet’s “Impression: Sunrise” is the painting that inspired the name for the Impressionist movement.
    “THE ART OF THE LATE 19TH CENTURY.” Loyola University New Orleans, http://people.loyno.edu/~kchopin/Art.htm. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son

    Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son
    “Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son” is one of the most notable pieces of Impressionist art from Monet.
    “Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son.” National Gallery of Art, https://www.nga.gov/features/slideshows/impressionism.html. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Carnival Evening

    Carnival Evening
    Shadowed in darkness, to contrast the seemingly cheery nature of a Carnival, “Carnival Evening” is a stark contrast with Rousseau’s other jungle-based paintings which set the painting apart in the eyes of critics.
    “Carnival Evening, 1886 by Henri Rousseau.” Henri Rousseau, http://www.henrirousseau.net/carnival-evening.jsp. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Hamburger Rathaus

    Hamburger Rathaus
    The Hamburger Rathaus, or city hall of Hamburg, took 7 architects more than a decade to complete and reaches a peak of 112m tall. The building is neo -renaissance at the exterior, yet inside blends classical and religious influences.
    “City Hall.” Hamburg, https://www.hamburg.com/sights/city-hall/. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Sunflowers

    Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” was originally a gift to a good friend as a symbol of gratitude. The painting is also one of Van Gogh’s most well known pieces, as he often used sunflowers as centerpieces of his work.
    “Sunflowers.” Van Gogh Museum, https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/collection/s0031V1962. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray

    The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Oscar Wilde was a notorious writer during the late 19th century, notable for publishing 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' in 1890.
    “Oscar Wilde.” British Library, https://www.bl.uk/people/oscar-wilde. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Wheatfield with Crows

    Wheatfield with Crows
    “Wheatfield with Crows” is thought to be Van Gogh’s last completed painting before his death in 1890. In contrast to “Sunflowers”, this painting is thought to expressed loneliness and sorrow.
    “Wheatfield with Crows.” Van Gogh Museum, https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/collection/s0149V1962. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Surprised

    Although Rousseau's “Surprised!” did not receive more than “mixed reviews”, the painting still hands in the National Gallery in London.
    “Surprised, 1891 by Henri Rousseau.” Henri Rousseau, http://www.henrirousseau.net/surprised.jsp. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Madonna

    Munch was obsessed with the idea of women’s role in procreation and he viewed the act of childbearing to be a woman’s equivalent of death.
    “Edvard Munch: Paintings, Biography, and Quotes.” Edvard Munch, https://www.edvardmunch.org/edvard-munch-paintings.jsp#prettyPhoto. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Vicious Circle

    Vicious Circle
    “Vicious Circle” depicts the journey between life and death and joy and sorrow as a commentary about how life can only be lived and that mere mortals have no more power over their fates than an audience watching a show.
    “Vicious circle.” ArtStack, https://theartstack.com/artist/jacek-malczewski/vicious-circle-1. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Marble Vanitas

    Marble Vanitas
    A vanitas, originating from the 17th vanitas paintings, are pieces of art that remind the viewer that death is inevitable. The date is approximate.
    “A 19th century Italian marble Vanitas is displayed at the Frieze Masters art fair in Regent’s Park.” Ottawa Citizen, http://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/19th+century+Italian+marble+Vanitas+displayed+Frieze+Masters+fair+Regent+Park/9042383/story.html. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind

    Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind
    "Truth Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind” has had a resurgence in popularity over the past year as modern feminist find a parallel between the meaning of the painting and the #MeToo movement.
    “Truth Coming Out of Her Well.” WTF Art History, http://wtfarthistory.com/post/25851106717/truth-coming-out-of-her-well. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Cleo De Merode

    Cleo De Merode
    "Cleo De Merode” is a bust depicted, most likely, the French dancer Cleo De Merode, who lived in Paris during the turn of the 19th/20th century and was sculpted by an unknown artist.
    “Cleo De Merode - Anonymous (early 20th Century)”. AnticStore, https://www.anticstore.art/71665P. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was written by L. Frank Baum in 1902 and has been a classic in literature, theater, and (eventually) film since.
  • Apple Tree With Red Fruit

    Apple Tree With Red Fruit
    “Apple Tree With Red Fruit” is one of the most well known pieces by a Nabis era painter, Paul-Elie Ranson. The Nabis painters were heavily influences by the Impressionist painters.
    “Apple Tree with Red Fruit.” The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, https://www.mfah.org/art/detail/39849. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • The Blues

    The Blues
    The Blues first came into the world in the 1903 in the Southern United States, developed by ex-slaves and their descendants. The blues are deeply influenced by jazz and would eventually lead to the creation of modern rock n roll and R&B music. The picture selected is of BB King, known as the “Kind of the Blues.”
    “A Brief History Of The Blues.” All About Jazz, https://www.allaboutjazz.com/a-brief-history-of-the-blues-by-ed-kopp.php. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Morning in the Village after Snowstorm

    Morning in the Village after Snowstorm
    "Morning in the Village after Snowstorm" by Kazimir Malevich is a piece of Russian cubist art. Malevich is a celebrated artist in Russia and was deeply inspired by inmpressionist, like Monet.
    “The Early 20th Century.” Guggenheim, https://www.guggenheim.org/arts-curriculum/topic/the-early-20th-century. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • Earthly Paradise

    Earthly Paradise
    "Earthly Paradise” is an experiment with color from French artist Pierre Bonnard. It is thought that this piece is also a commentary on Europe’s destruction during WWI.
    “Earthly Paradise.” Art Institute Chicago, https://www.artic.edu/artworks/144361/earthly-paradise. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • The Road Not Taken

    The Road Not Taken
    Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” is a love letter to exploration, both the physical and mental, that fits within nicely in the trend of fine art being created to deal with the changing times.
    “The Road Not Taken.” Poetry Foundation, https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44272/the-road-not-taken. Accessed 6 December 2018.
  • An Immorality

    An Immorality
    Ezra Pound was a major figure within the Modernist Poetry movement of the early 20th century and his work influenced notable poet Robert Frost.
    “An Immorality”. Poem Tree, https://www.poemtree.com/poems/Immortality.htm. Accessed 6 December 2018.