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June 6 to June 15 1944

  • Normandy landings (D-Day)

    Normandy landings (D-Day)
    Day where the invasion began
    result: Allied liberation of western Europe from Nazis
    Dwight Eisenhower = Supreme commander general
    About 150 000 allied soldiers attacking Normandy Beaches Anne is happy because she thinks that she will see her friends soon
  • Battle of Ushant

    Battle of Ushant
    Naval battle
    Location: small island near France
    Contries involved: UK, Canada, Poland VS Germany
    Result: Allied victory Anne is impatient to get out of the annexe because she won't have to listen to Mrs. Van Daan anymore
  • Anne's birthday

    Anne's birthday
    Turned fifteen
    Received many gifts : an art-history book, clothes, a handkerchief, 2 pots of yoghurt, a pot of jam, two honey biscuits, a botany book, a gold bracelet, a sticker album, Biomalt, sweet peas, sweets, an exercise book, a novel, 3 slices of full-cream cheese, and a bouquet of peonies The allies are getting ready for a battle
  • Battle of Bloody Gulch

    Battle of Bloody Gulch
    Located around Carentan, Normandy, France
    US VS Germany
    American victory Anne is asking herself questions about how other people think about her
  • Battle of Saipan

    Battle of Saipan
    Location: Mariana islands, Japan
    US VS Japan
    American victory
  • Anne Frank information

    Anne Frank information
    Anne can't possibly be more excited to get out after the war. She wants to go outside, see her friends, do activities, have fun, etc.