julia's lifeline

By julia d
  • birth

  • Erikson's theory of trust vs. mistrust

    When i was a baby i needed to trust that my mom or dad would feed me if i was hungry.
  • Erikson's theory of Autonomy versus same and doubt

    When i was a toddler being potty trained, i had to learn how to control my body in a reasonable way.
  • erikson's theory of Industry versus inferiority

    When I started preschool, i started to be formally evaluated. If I raised my hand in class and answered correctly, I would feel industrious.
  • lost my first tooth

  • Erikson's theory of identity versus role confusion

    When i was in elementry school, i experimented with different outfits and friend groups to discover my social identity.
  • learned how to ride a bike

  • broke my wrist

  • started high school

  • Erikson's theory of Intimacy versus isolation

    When I started highschool, I had to start thinking about if I wanted to be in a relationship or not.
  • got my drivers license

  • most imoportant thing i want my future self to know

    your only young once so live life to the fullest
  • Important mile stone: graduating college

    graduating college
  • important milestone: getting married

  • important milestone: having kids

  • the peak of my life

    I will be at the peak of my life at age 30 because I will have a sucessful job and will be begining to raise a family
  • death