johnson civil war

By TJ1999
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Maine becomes a free state and Missouri becomes a slave state. Split the louisiana Purchase along 36 30 with the north being free and the south being slaves. This caused more divisoin in the country, which helped lead to the civil war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California is a free state. Settles border disputes between Texas and New Mexico. Popular is overeighty in Utah and New Mexico. Bands slave trade in washington D.C. Fugitve Slave law.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    It was a very powerful book that drew strong reactions from both the north and south. Political leaders as far as England read it.
  • Chaos

    In 1855 Kansas held elections to determine wether it should be a free or slave state. Thousands of borders. Ruffianeds poured into illegal in the elections.
  • Battle Ground

    Battle Ground
    The town surrendered without resistance John Brown 56 years old abolitionist. He lead 7 men and killed 5 inocent proslavery men. He split their heads in half.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Was a slave owned by John Emerson. Emerson and Scott spent several years in the free territory before returning to Missouri. Scott sued for his freedom claiming he was free because he had spent several years in free territory.
  • The Ottawa Debate

    The Ottawa Debate
    Mr douglas made the opening speech. The Republicans were in ecstacies over the result of the debate. Licoln was carried of on the shoulders of the crowd.
  • The Debate at Freeport

    The Debate at Freeport
    The debate was attended according to the Rock Island Commercial, by 20,000 people. At 2 o'clock the debate began. Mr. Lincoln then proceeded to trout out Mr. Douglas.
  • Lincoln VS Douglas

    Lincoln VS Douglas
    They faced each other in state wide debates.Theses debates gained national attention. Some of the issuse discussed Dred scott.
  • John Brown and Harpers Ferry.

    John Brown and Harpers Ferry.
    he lead a group to capture federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia. He beleived that an army of slaves would rise up and rebellion with him. He was sentenced to be hanged and became a martyr to the antislavery cause.