Timeline Project by Kaitlyn Thomas

  • Jamestown

    The first colonists landed in Virginia and were going to be governed by a council of seven men. The colonists named the town Jamestown after their King James I. Many colonists began to starve and everntually died. Later the colonists joined the Indians and shared food, items, and sometimes land. This bond would eventually be broken up by new colonists.
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war is also know as the Seven Years War. The war was between Britain and France. The French expanded their land onto British colonies. The British started the war, which ended in 1763 at the peace conference. British gained land at this peace conference.
  • John Quincy Adams Birth

    John Quincy Adams Birth
    "John Quincy Adams was the only son of a Founding Father and President to become President himself..." (Unger, 1). Adams was the son of John and Abigail Adams. He was born in Braintree, MA. He had five siblings, he was the oldest son.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was started when a young man and an army officer started arguing. People gathered around the oficer, insulting him. Someone yelled "Fire!" and the officer started shooting. Eleven men were wounded and five were killed. The soldiers were tried, but only two were convicted and later pardoned. This is when the British withdrew their troops from Boston.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill started when the British troops set the Concord liberty pole on fire. The fire then spreaded to the courthouse. The colonists were upset about this and fortified Breed's Hill, which is next to Bunker Hill. 1,000 soldiers, 92 officers, and 370 colonists were killed or wounded. The British won.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence declared the 13 colonies on the east as independent states. It addressed the issues and complaints that the American colonies had towards the British government. It also discussed human rights, national sovereignty, and details for revolution.
  • John Quincy Adams Travelling with Father

    John Quincy Adams and his father set sail to France to make an alliance. Also, they were hoping to get some financial aid from France. John Quincy Adams was ten at this time. This was one of John Quincy Adams first looks at how countries connect.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    A man named Daniel Shays was a Revolutionary War captain. He led a group of farmers to shut down the courts. This prevented the courts from collecting debts. The reason why farmers wanted this was because if they didn not pay their debt, their land would be taken from them. The rebellion ended in 1787.
  • Constitution

    The Constituion was signed by delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. The Constitution was made for a stronger federal government with three branches. These branches consisted of executive, judicial, and legislative. The Constitution also made a sysytem of checks and balances. This is so the branches can check one another to make sure they are not over stepping their boundary. The Constitution also gave individual rights.
  • American Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution created transportation, manufactoring, and so much more. Women were beginning to work in factories. Mostly because they were cheaper to pay, but for women to be working in factories was a major change. It also booted the economy because there was many new ways of getting things done easier and faster, which made selling goods faster.
  • John Quincy Adams Marriage

    John Quincy Adams Marriage
    "John Quincy Adams surprised the entire family on February 2, 1796, by telling twenty-year-old Louisa Catherine, the Johnson's second daughter, that he intended to marry her" (Unger, 99). Louisa wanted to get married right awya, but Adams did not. He wanted to be financially stabled before marrying her. They had an Anglican service in London. John was thirty and Louisa was twenty-two.
  • John Quincy Adams U.S. Minister in Russia

    John Quincy Adams was the first U.S. Minister to Russia. He was appointed by President James Madison. In Russia he served as the main negotiator for the Treaty of Ghent and returned to the United States in 1817.
  • War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was between the British and America. Madison wanted America to rise up against the British, he wanted America to get what they should deserve. On August 24, 1814, British troops burned the Capitol, the White House, the Treasury Building, and the Naval Yard. The American flag was still standing and this is where the lyrics of "The Star-Spangled Banner" later comes from. The war ended in 1814.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent is the peace treaty between America and the Britain. The Treaty ended the War of 1812. In the Treaty of Ghent, America and Britain agreed to return conquered land. Also, set a boundary between Canada and America.
  • John Quincy Adams Secretary of State

    John Quincy Adams Secretary of State
    John Quincy Adams was appointed Secretary of State by President James Monroe. John Quincy Adams was Secretary of State until March 3, 1825. This is when he became president.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri requested admission to the Union as a slave state in 1819. This would greatly upset the balance of free states and slave states. The Congress decided to let Missouri be a slave state and Maine had to be free. Also, Missouri was the only state in the north that could be a slave state. This would help maintain the balance of free and slave states. This compromise held the Union together for more than thirty years.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was presented by President Monroe in his annual address to Congress. The Monroe Doctrine stated that European powers could not colonize in the American continents. This was to avoid any involvement in European wars.
  • John Quincy Adams Presidency

    John Quincy Adams Presidency
    John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States. Adams was a National Republican, he wanted a strong central government. He was President until March 4, 1829 when he lost to Andrew Jackson.
  • John Quincy Adams House of Representatives

    John Quincy Adams was an argumentive and very unpredictable in the House of Representatives. He stood up for human rights, justice, and individual rights. He also repealed the Gag Rule and demanding that slavery should be abolished while being in the House of Representatives. He would also later die in the House of Representatives.
  • Gag Rule

    The Gag Rule was presented so people would stop talking about slavery. The Gag Rule was also used to stop petitions about abolishing slavery. It was greatly opposed by John Quincy Adams and was later rescinded in 1844.
  • John Quincy Adams Death

    John Quincy Adams Death
    "Eighty-year-old John Quincy lay in a coma for the next two days, and at 7:20 p.m., on February 23, 1848, he died in the capital he adored" (Unger, 310) He was a beloved husband to Louisa and father. He stood up for what he believed in and did not care what others thought about him. He lived a long and prosperous life.