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Jimmy Fallon Profile

  • Introduction

    Born September 19, 1974 in Brooklyn New York, Jimmy Fallon is best known as a former cast member of Saturday Night live and TV host of Late Night, The Tonight Show (now), and an actor. Jimmy Fallon won many laughs over television from his numerous sketches, spot-on impressions, monologues, and jokes. Fallon is an inspiration to many; starting from the very bottom in his career path and now he is hosting his own TV shows, award shows, and has won several awards for his preformance as a TV host.
  • Jimmy joins Saturday Night Live

    Jimmy joins Saturday Night Live
    From his early teen years, Fallon had wanted to be a part of Saturday Night Live. His audtion tape, which has more than three million views on YouTube, includes his impressions of John Travolta, Jerry Seinfield, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, etc. (Kamp). His impressions wowed fellow cast memebers that day, one being Tina Fey. As Tina Fey recalled Jimmy's audtion she mentioned, "He's one of the two people I've ever seen who was completely ready to be on the show (cont. on to next event)
  • Jimmy joins Saturday Night Live (cont.)

    Kristen Wiig is the other one. . . And Jimmy was ready—like, if there had been a show to do that night" (Kemp 2). Fey immediately recognized the potential Fallon had to be a comedian and a cast member. Two years after becoming a cast member of the show, Fallon and Fey were co-anchoring "Weekend Update" for Saturday Night Live, along with being a part of other sketches and impersonations. After six seasons, Fallon left Saturday Night Live in 2004, looking for a bigger step in his career.
  • Jimmy Fallon hosts Late Night: Interview with Vanity Fair

    Jimmy Fallon hosts Late Night: Interview with Vanity Fair
    In 2009, Late Night producer Lorne Michaels told Jimmy there was an opening to host Late Night and he would be a perfect match for the job. Fallon a little hesistant at first, quickly realized that this job oppurtinity only comes around once and accepted the offer. While the beginning of Late Night was hard for Jimmy to adjust, he was able to pull the show around and continue with his impersonations and jokes he had on Saturday Night Live. (cont. on to next event)
  • Jimmy hosts Late Night: Interview with Vanity Fair

    Tina Fey pointed out that Jimmy was able to create "an uncommonly warm, welcoming show" (Kemp 3). Jimmy Fallon was able to create a show where guest stars are able relax in a welcoming environment and talk to Jimmy about their life and upcoming projects. Jimmy Fallon provides viewers with sketches and impersonations with his guest stars to warm up to the audience and engage the vieweres.
  • Jimmy hosts the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards

    Jimmy hosts the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
    Fallon wowed viewers in 2010 with his host preformance the 62nd Annual Primtime Emmy Awards. Jimmy Fallon was able to quickly get into character to host the award show. For his introduction, Fallon bumped into numerous cast members of Glee who all joined Fallon, along with Tina Fey, John Hamm, Jorge Garcia, and Randy Jackson. As they made it onto stage they all sang "Born to Run", complete with Fallon wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, channeling his inner Bruce Springsteen. (cont.)
  • Jimmy hosts the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (cont.)

    With his brief, but commical jokes and filmed bits, Fallon was able to help the show's brisk pace (Moore). Fallon applauded "Modern Family" for all of the acheivements and awards the show has won. He talked about many "what if" statements regarding the show as well; what would happen if something changed on the show. Jimmy Fallon held viewers attention fromt he very beginning and Jimmy's delight in being there was an infectious throughout (Moore).
  • Interview with Savannah Guthrie

    Interview with Savannah Guthrie
    Savannah Guthrie, from the Today Show, interviewed Jimmy about where he satnds switching over from Late Night and taking over for Jay Leno on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon addressed how he hopes the show will reamin the same, there is just a bigger audiene this time. Fallon also hopes he will be able to live up to Jay Leno's expectations (Dawn). (cont. on to next event)
  • Interview with Savannah Guthrie (cont.)

    Jimmy said he was both excited and nervous to start the new job. He felt like there is a little bit of pressure becasue Leno held the job for so long and Jimmy does not want to dissapoint him. Jimmy talked about how things will very much be like Late Night; there will be games, sketches, impersonations, etc. We were also able to see Jimmy's humours side when they played a game at the end of the interview. This allows us to see how Jimmy has fun regardless of the situation (Dawn).
  • Episode of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

    Episode of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon
    Since 2009, Jimmy Fallon has been a TV host, most recently becoming the TV host for The Tonight show. Jimmy Fallon is ranked amongst one of the top favoirte late night talk shows. In this particular episode there was an interview of Jeremy Renner, Carol Burnett, and Mario Batali. Jimmy's show is a great example of how he can make all of his guest stars feel welcomed and comfortable during their interview. Whenever he is around people, he is able to make them feel like they are little kids again.