Jefferson timeline

  • Jan 1, 1492

    America discoverd

    Christopher columbus objective was to sail west until he reached asia (the indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited.
  • Jan 2, 1497

    The begginning of britisch exploration

    sir walter raleigh scouted possible sites for a colony farther to the south
  • Roanoke estasblished

    The first English Colony of Roanoke, origiinally consisting of 100 householders
  • Jamestown

    COlony of Virginia was the first permanet English Settlrment in the Americas.
  • Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay Colony

    FOunded by the owners of the massachusetts bay company was an English settlement on the east coast of north america
  • French and indian war

    THe Sevwen years War, When France expanision into the Ohio river valley brought repeated vconflict with the claims of the British colonies , a serious of battles led to the official Britisch declaratioln of war 1756
  • Treaty of paris

    Ended AMerican Revolutionary War
  • Proclamation of 1763

    End of the french and indian War in 1763 was a cause for great celebratfions in he colonies
  • Revolutionary War

    Colonist were frustrated because Britain forced them to pay taxes, yet did not give them any representation in the British Parliament
  • Declaration of independence

    Adams persuade the committe to select Thomas Jefferson to comthe original draft of the document after ratifying the text on july 4, congress issued the Declaration of independence in several forms
  • Articles of Confederation

    Ratifacation in late 1781 original colonies that established the united states of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution Congress began on july 12, 11776, and an approved version was sent to the stated for ratification in the late 1777
  • Treaty of Pparis

    April of 1782, involving Americs representatives Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John ADams
  • Constitution Created

    The constitution of the United States is the supreme law
  • John Adams elected president

    Four bills that were by the Federalits in the 5th United statesCongress and signed into law by President jhon Adams in 1798 in the aftermath of the Frech Revolution
  • xYZ affair

    Inolved the U.S and France during the late 1700's
  • Thomas Jefferson elected president

    Governor of virginia - u.s minister to france