jared ktr

  • railroads

    railroads created easy transportation and created a lot of jobs
  • american dream

    american dream
    a pull factor for immigrants
  • political machines

    political machines
    corrupt votes through "charitable acts"
  • manifest destiny

    manifest destiny
    idea of manifest destiny began
  • labor unions

    labor unions
    formed to protect the work force from companies (set wages and healthbenifets etc.)
  • andrew carnegie

    andrew carnegie
    andrew carnegie steel tycon rags to riches
  • john rockefeller

    john rockefeller
    tycon of standard oil company
  • boss tweed

    boss tweed
    corrupt helped get democrats into office
  • vertical and horizontal integration

    vertical and horizontal integration
    horizontal merge
    vertical force
  • bessemer process

    bessemer process
    steel production advancement
  • eugene v. debs

    eugene v. debs
    american union leader
  • industrialisation

    more jobs poor conditions
  • west setteling

    west setteling
    homestead act caused a lot of setteling in the west
  • homestead act

    homestead act
    act that gave land to settelers for very little money even if that land was the native americans'
  • barbed wire

    barbed wire
    barded wire was reached mass production
  • urbanisation

    inovations inventions galore
  • federal indian policy

    federal indian policy
    relation sship between government and indians
  • immigration

    immigration restrictions
  • social darwinism

    social darwinism
    survival of the fittest
  • upton sinclair and factory system

    upton sinclair and factory system
    wrote of factory conditions
  • haymarket riot

    haymarket riot
    omb was thrown at a squad of policemen attempting to break up a labor rally
  • dawes act

    dawes act
    forced assimilation basicly
  • assimilation

    assimilation forced upon natives
  • wounded knee

    wounded knee
    horrible masacre
  • trusts and anti-trusts

    trusts and anti-trusts
    sherman anti-trust act limited power of companies
  • nativism

    reastablishment of native culture
  • teddy roosevelt

    teddy roosevelt
    26th president
  • automobile

    henry ford formed well ford
  • pure food and drug act

    pure food and drug act
    created due to upton sinclair and the poor condition of food
  • americanization

    spread of american ideas and customs
  • assembly line

    assembly line
    developed by henry ford
  • eugenics

    practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population