
Jane Ash Poitras

By ivy2012
  • Date Of Birth

    Jane Ash Potrais was born on 1951 in Northern Alberta and was adopted at a very young age because her mother had died from tuberculosis.
  • Full Name

    Her full name is Jane Ash Potrias
  • Interesting Facts

    After her mother had just from turburculosis she was then raised by and elderly German lady by the name of Marguerite Runck and during that time people were not to kind with indians.
  • Education

    Jane became a part of the canadian mainstream graduating with a degree in mirobioloy from the University of Alberta. Later on she decided that she wanted to study art, when she had completed her post graduate studies in printmaking at Columbia University in 1985.
  • Another Career

    In 1978 Jane Ash Poitras started teaching as an Assistant and Tutor, Department of Microbiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
  • Artistic Style

    Artistic Style
    Her genre/art style is painting Canadians First Nation art during the late 1980's and the early 1990's.
  • Education

    In 1985 Jane Ash Poitras earned a Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Sculpture, Columbia University, New York, .
  • Family

    When Jane was living in the orphange for just six years her mother had passed away because of a serious case of tuberculosis.
  • Career

    This is the first book-length study to examine Poitras's career as a whole, recounting her development as an artist, participation in major exhibitions, and recognition as a significant Canadian and international artist.
  • How She Envolved Into An Artist

    She started off with a rough because of family issues but as she has succeed in many goals such as graduating with a degree in microbiology ect. so by stayng in school and achieve these degrees and other achievments she got into art (by staying in school and getting art degrees she envoled into an artist.
  • Her Art Style

    Her Art Style
    As you can see in this picture her painting is mainly about nature the 3 sections are all outside in wildlife. This painting is called The Sprit Lives and this piece of artwork is worth over $7500 CDN.
  • Awards

    Jane Ash Poitras achieved an award in 2013 The Honorary Degree from Humber College, Toronto
    also in 2013 she won The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
  • What is Cree Art?

    What is Cree Art?
    Cree art is mainly nkown for quilling crafts, woodcarving and colorful beadwork ECT.Now Jane is a cree artist but she is a painter she doesn't carve wood or the othe styles of cree art I mentioned. This painting that I chose is not painted by Jane Ash Poitras but is painted by Jerry Whitehead and is named Return To The Eye Of The Raven. I chose this imaje because thsi is another cree artist who can relate to Jane by the style of art.
  • Healing Shaman

    Healing Shaman
    This painting is called the Healing Shaman. This painting is worth $7500 and is a 30 X 20 in.