Jamulia’s Timeline

  • Economic Colapse

    The Royal family of Juliana was overthrown and chaos ensued.
  • The creation of the Timocracy

    A small group of wealthy property owners banned together and created a plan to bring order to Jamulia. They created a Timocracy that ensured the satisfaction and safety of its people.
  • War calls for reform

    During WWI, Jamulia isolated themselves from the rest of the world. The country went into heavy Isolationism for twenty years.
  • Foreign Goods

    Many foreign countries wanted to trade with Jamulia due to their extensive natural resources. Jamulian leaders decide to apply an open trade policy with North America, Europe and Africa.
  • Earth Shaker of 1952

    A massive earthquake strikes Jamulia, devastating the capital city of Johnshine. This disaster called for more strict building regulations and the "Pride in Kindness" movement
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    The Days of Change

    During this time span, many new laws and practices where established, some of which include being innocent until proven guilty, weapon policies and stricter construction policies.
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    The Decline of Jamulia

    During this time, the soil of Jamulia had begun to loose it's luster. The annual harvest became worse and worse as time went on. Some blamed the heavens, while others blamed the climate change.
  • The Flood

    A huge Tsunami sinks the island of Jamulia to the depths of the ocean.