James madison

James Madison

  • Madison becomes president

    Madison becomes president
  • Period: to

    Madison's presidency

  • Madison accepts an ambiguous French statement as a bona fide revocation of the Napoleonic decrees on trade

    Madison accepts an ambiguous French statement as a bona fide revocation of the Napoleonic decrees on trade
  • Congress passes a law permitting direct trade with either France or Britain

    Congress passes a law permitting direct trade with either France or Britain
  • Louisiana becomes a state

    Louisiana becomes a state
  • War against England is declared

    War against England is declared
  • Dearborn signs an armistice

    Dearborn signs an armistice
    Dearborn signs an armistice with the governor of Lower Canada. Madison repudiates it the following week, and Dearborn terminates the armistice on August 25.
  • Congress borrows $25 million

    Congress borrows $25 million
    Congress authorizes the borrowing of $25 million to finance war costs.
  • Attacked the Creeks

    Attacked the Creeks
  • Andrew Jackson battle of horseshoe bend

    Andrew Jackson battle of horseshoe bend
  • White House and Capitol are burned

    White House and Capitol are burned
  • “Star Spangled Banner” is written by Francis Scott Key

    “Star Spangled Banner” is written by Francis Scott Key
  • Peace treaty signed in Ghent, Belgium

    Peace treaty signed in Ghent, Belgium
  • Andrew Jackson becomes Major General

    Andrew Jackson becomes Major General
    William Henry Harrison resigns as Major General and is replaced by Andrew Jackson, against Madison's orders.
  • Battle of Burnt Corn

    Battle of Burnt Corn
    The Battle of the Burnt Corn in the Mississippi Territory brings the Creek Indians into the war against the United States.
  • Secretary of state, James Monroe

    Secretary of state, James Monroe
    Madison nominates James Monroe as secretary of war to replace John Armstrong. Monroe will serve as secretary of both war and state until the end of the war.
  • Treaty of Ghent signed

    Treaty of Ghent signed
    In Europe, the United States and Britain sign the Treaty of Ghent. News of the Treaty will reach the United States in February 1815.
  • Monroe is elected President

    Monroe is elected President
    Secretary of State James Monroe is elected President, easily defeating Federalist Rufus King of New York. Monroe receives 183 electoral votes to King's 34.
  • Idiana becomes a state

    Idiana becomes a state
  • Monroe, fifth president of U.S

    Monroe, fifth president of U.S
    Republican-Democrat James Monroe is inaugurated as the fifth President of the United States.
  • Madison resigns as President

    Madison resigns as President