Italian risorgimento unification map

Italy Unification

  • Revolts

    Nationalists started revolting in Italy but Austrian troops stopped them each time.
  • Period: to

    Unification of Italy

  • Founding

    Giuseppe Mazzini, the nationalist leader, founded Young Italy in the 1830s. Wanted to make Italy free, independent, republican.
  • Passing movements

    The Italian nationalist movement was passed to the kingdomof Sardinia. Victor Emmanuel II had hope of connecting with other states to his own.
  • Helping Rome

    Mazzini set up a republic in Rome, but French stopped it. Mazzini was soon exiled.
  • Cavour

    Count Camillo Cavour was given the title of prime minister by Victor Emmanuel II. Cavour was a nice, smart, and wise politician, doing whatever was needed to achieve goals.
  • Crimean War

    Sardinia helped France and Britain in the Crimean War against Russia. Though he did not get territory, he had a voice.
  • Negotiated

    Cavour made a secret deal with Napoleaon III, who would help Sardinia if it ever went to war against Austria.
  • War Against Austria

    Cavour provoked Austria into a war. France, as promised, helped Sardinia defeat Austria. This gathered new states overthrow their Austian-back rulers and join Sardinia.
  • Recruiting

    Giuseppe Garibaldi, an ally of Mazzini and a long time nationlist, wanted to create an Italian Republic. Garbaldi recruited a fore of 1,000 red-shirted volunteers to sail to Sicily, and won control of it.
  • Unity

    Victor Emmanuel was crowned king of the new Italy. Cavour died in this year as well, but he had many people behind him to complete his goals.
  • More added to Italy

    Italy was a united land when Rome, and other states, were addedto Italy from the Franco-Prussian war.