Italian Unification Timeline

  • Description of the 4 leaders

    Description of the 4 leaders
    Giuseppe Mazzini was a nationalist leader. He foiunded Young Italy. He wanted Italy to be united and an independant republican nation. Cavour came from a nibble family, but he liked the liberal's goals. He believed in Realpolitik. He wanted to end Austria power. Giuseppe Garibaldi was a long time nationalist, and he was an ally of Mazzini. He wanted to create an Italian republic. Victor Emmanuel was crowned king of Italy. Emmanuel made Count Camille Cavour his promise minister.
  • Italy Before Unification

    The people had not experienced political unity since Roman times. There was frequent warefare and there was forgein rule. The people did speak the same language, but they still weren't united. Austria had rule in parts of Italy.
  • Wanting a United Italy

    In the early 1800s Italian patriots were determined to build a new, united Italy.
  • Obstacles to Italian Unity

    Between 1820 and 1848 nationalist revolts exploded across the region. It was a battle ground, and there was a lot of forgein rule. Hapsburg monarchs ruled many other Italian states.
  • Mazzini's Young Italy

    In the 1830s, the nationalist leader named Giuseppe Mazzini founded young Italy. He wanted to unite Italy. He helped to setup a revolutionary republic in Rome.
  • The Tide of Nationalism

    A united Itakty base sense because of geography, but also because of a common language and history. Nationalists wanted Italy to be united because it made perfect sense to.
  • Cavour

    Victor Emmanuel made Count Camille Cavour his prime Minister. He was a monarchist who believed in Realpolitik. His long-term goal was to end Austrian power in Italy and annex Lombardy and Venetia. He also wanted to unite Italy.
  • Intrigue With France

    Being led by Cavour, Sardinia joined Britain and France in a war against Russia called the Crimean War. Cavour negotiated a secret deal with Napoleon who was goin to aid Sardinia if it had a war with Austria.
  • Garibaldi's Red Shirts

    Garibaldi had recruited 1,000 red shirts but 1860. He provided them weapons and they took control of Sicily very fast.
  • Italy after unification

    There was no more forgein rule in Italy. Italy was no longer a battle zone. They all spoke the same language. They were proud of their nation.