
  • Thomas Newcomen

    Thomas Newcomen
    Thomas Newcomen was an English Inventor, he created the first steam engine in 1712
  • John Wesley

    John Wesley
    John Wesley was a Cleric, he simplified the production of celluloid which was the first industrial plastic.
  • John Kay

    John Kay was an inventor who created the flying shuttle.
  • John Roebuck

    John Roebuck was an inventor, he invented the lead chamber process for producing malleable iron.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt was an Inventor who improved upon Newcomen's Steam Engine.
  • Nicholas LeBlanc

    Nicholas LeBlanc
    Nicholas LeBlanc was a French Chemist who discovered how to make soda ash from common bath salts.
  • Edmund Cartwright

    Edmund Cartwright
    Edmund Cartwright was an inventor who created the power loom.
  • Alessandra Volta

    Alessandra Volta was an Italian Physicist who invented the electric battery, discovered methane, and pioneer of electricity and power.
  • Samuel Crompton

    Samuel Crompton
    Samuel Crompton was an inventor who invented the spinning mule and was the pioneer of the spinning industry.
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton was an American Engineer, he is credited for creating the first commercially successful steamboat.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney was an American Inventor, he created the Cotton Gin.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson was a civil engineer who was known as the father of the railways for his major advancements in railway transportation.