Inventions in computer history

  • The ABC Computer

    The ABC Computer
    The ABC was invented in 1937 it used vacuum tubes and was fully digital, it was completed in 1942. Built by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry.
  • The ENIAC

    The ENIAC
    The Electrical Numerical Integrator and Computer, ENIAC was invented in 1945 and was completed in 1946. This was the first high speed electronic digital computer. It could perform complex calculations and was initially designed for military purposes. Designed by John Eckert and John Mauchly.
  • Debugging

    Grace Hopper worked on the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, also known as the Mark 1. This is where workers on the machine found a moth impeding the machine operation and Hopper coined the term "debugging". It is highly popularized and is the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in software.

    The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, EDSAC computer operated . Invented by Maurice Wilkes and built at the University of Cambridge. It is the first full sized stored program computer and worked with vacuum tubes filled with mercury to provide the memory.
  • The EDVAC

    The EDVAC
    The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer, EDVAC was invented in 1945 and completed in 1950. It was the first computer to use stored-program architecture and led the way for modern computer systems. Designed by John Eckert and John Mauchly, who also invented the ENIAC.