Causes of American revolution

  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The Boston massacre was the killing five British colonist.
  • French & Indian war

    French & Indian war
    The French and Indian war also known as the seven year war was between the French and Indians vs British and Indians. The French depended on the native allies when the British had around 2 million. When the war was over the British received Canada and the French kept most of the west.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 was when the French and Indian war was over and the British were getting the land they conquered from the war.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    It was a revenue that raised the tax for sugar.
  • Townshed Hers

    Townshed Hers
    It was when the colonist had believed that the British parliament didn't control them.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    It was a direct tax on stamps directed to the colonist.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    The Boston Tea party was the colonist rebelled and destroyed a whole shipment of tea by throwing it off board of the ship.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    It was a act of punishment from the Boston tea part when they destroyed a shipment of tea.