
  • IQ Formula

    William Stern developed the formula for the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test.
  • Standford-Binet Tests

    Scored on chronological age and mental age.
  • Army Alpha and Beta Tests

    Determinded which man were stable to be in the army.
  • First SAT test

    Administered to test students as a whole to see where their intelligence level was compared to other students.
  • Edward Thorndike

    Introduced Social Intelligence, or our ability to get along with others.
  • Primary Mental Abilities

    Seven different groups of intelligence that help us interact in daily life.
  • Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test was published

  • David Wechsler

    He suggested that having a strong intelligence is key for a sucessful life.
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scales

    Tested intelligence on a scale of multiple intelligences rather then just one specific part of our intelligence.
  • First ACT test

    First administered to test all college students as a whole on the same level.
  • Intelligence Disabilities

    First time psychologist looked at intellectual disabilitys as a not only a mental function problem but also as a motor funtion problem.
  • Multiple Intelligence

    Howard Gardner introduced a multiple intelligence theory.
  • Sternbergs Three Intelligences

    States we use three types of intelligences, creative, analytical, and practical intelligence.
  • Emotional Intelligence

    Studied the ability to reason while using emotions.