
  • France

    When i was 4 months old, i flew to Paris, France because my dad was working there. I lived there for 2 years so it was kinda a big influence to me because I grew up eating french food so, now I like eating European food like Chicken Schnitzel and Pasta. The day I flew to France, when we were passing by Thailand, there was a huge tsunami that killed thousands of lives. December 24 2004
  • India

    I moved to India after Moving from France to Malaysia for one year. I lived to New Dehli, India in 2007. India Influence me a lot because I lived for 5 years and went to British School New Dehli, I had a lot of friends and we played together many times. I used to go to my friends house everyday after school and it was fun. India was very different from Malaysia and France because there were 1 billion people living there and it was very crowded.
  • International Day

    In British School New Delhi, we celebrate a day called international day.