Infant Development

  • Period: to

    Infant Development

  • Cognitive

  • 1-3 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- keeps hands fisted of slightly open
    b. Gross motor skill- circles arms and legs smoothly
    c. Social- makes eye contact
    d. Emotional- able to show distress, excitement, contentment, anger, and delight
    e. Cognitive- laughs out loud
  • Fine Motor

    Fine Motor
  • 4 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- begins to use mitten grasp for grabbing objects near the heads
    b. Gross motor skill- swipes at objects, gradually improving aim
    c. Social- enjoys the social aspect of feeding time
    d. Emotional- expresses delight
    e. Cognitive- enjoys watching hands and feet
  • Gross Motor

    Gross Motor
  • Social

  • Gross Motor

    Gross Motor
  • 5-6 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- grabs objects with either hand
    b. Gross motor skill- able to stand while supported
    c. Social- able to play the peek a boo game
    d. Emotional- showing fearful behavior
    e. Cognitive- grabs at any and all objects in reach
  • Social

  • Emotional

  • Cognitive

  • 7-8 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- able to pick up small things
    b. Gross motor skill- bounces when in a standing position
    c. Social- shows a desire for social contact
    d. Emotional- fear of strangers
    e. Cognitive- finds objects that are totally hidden
  • Cognitive

  • 9 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- points index finger to point, lead, or poke
    b. Gross motor skill- may try to crawl up stairs
    c. Social- learns how to play pat-a-cake
    d. Emotional- fear of new sounds
    e. Cognitive- likes to look for contents in containers
  • Fine Motor

    Fine Motor
  • Emotional

  • 10 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- releases grabbed objects
    b. Gross motor skill- likes to walk holding the caregivers hand
    c. Social- aware of and sensitive to other children
    d. Emotional- fears strange place
    e. Speaks first recognizable
  • Gross Motor

    Gross Motor
  • Fine Motor

    Fine Motor
  • Cognitive

  • 11 Months

    a. Fine motor skill- likes to grasp feeding utensils and cup
    b. Gross motor skill- stands alone
    c. Social- likes to say no
    d. Emotional- recognizes the difference between being god and being naughty
    e. Cognitive- can point to body parts
  • Fine Motor

    Fine Motor
  • Cognitive

  • 1 Year

    a. Fine motor skill- shows preference to one hand
    b. Gross motor skill- able to take off clothes
    c. Social- enjoys playing with siblings
    d. Emotional- may have tantrums
    e. Cognitive- waves good bye