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Infancy and Childhood

  • Reflex Abilities- Grasping reflex and Rooting reflex

    Reflex Abilities- Grasping reflex and Rooting reflex
    .The grasping reflex, for example, is a responce to a touch on the palm of the hand. Infants can grasp an object, such as a finger, so strongly that they can be lifted into the air.
    .The rooting reflex is an infant's responce in turning toward the source of touching that occurs anywhere around his or her mouth.
    . The grasping reflex and the rooting reflex are reflexes that the infants are born with, they have those reflexes as soon as they are born and enter this world.
  • Reflex abilities- Suck reflex.

    . The sucking reflex occurs when an object touches the lips.
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    Infancy and Childhood- Reflex abilities

    Noting or pertaining to an involuntary response to a stimulus, the nerve impulse from a receptor being transmitted inward to a nerve center that in turn transmits it outward to an effector.
  • Reflex abilities- Babinski reflex and Moro reflex.

    Reflex abilities- Babinski reflex and Moro reflex.
    . Babinski reflex - When the sole of the foot is firmly stroked, the big toe bends back toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out. This is a normal reflex up to about 2 years of age.
    . The Moro reflex is an outstretching of the arms and legs in response to a loud noise or sudden change in the environment. The infant's body tenses; arms are extended and then drawn inward as if embracing.
    . These happen from birth until about two months.
  • Reflex abilities- Tonic neck reflex, Step reflex, and Plantar reflex.

    Reflex abilities- Tonic neck reflex, Step reflex, and Plantar reflex.
    . Tonic neck reflex- When a baby's head is turned to one side, the arm on that side stretches out and the opposite arm bends up at the elbow. The tonic neck reflex lasts about six to seven months.
    . Step reflex - This reflex is also called the walking or dance reflex because a baby appears to take steps or dance when held upright with his/her feet touching a solid surface.
    . The plantar reflex is the curling under of the toes when the ball of the foot is touched.