Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    The Bessemer Process coverts cast iron into steel by blowing air throught molten iron.
  • Edwin Drake

    Edwin Drake
    U.S. Engineer, drilled worlds first oil well in Titusville PN.
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    The Industrial Revolution

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    Transcontinental Railroad Completed

    It was a railroad train that helped Americans travel easier after the Civil War which connected east and west lands. It also made communication easier.
  • Christopher Sholes

    Christopher Sholes
    He developed a typewriter with a 'QWERTY' keyboard. This led to electronics being updated and changed.
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    John D. Rockefeller

    He was an American business man who owned a petroleum industry called "Standard Oil Company". He controlled 90% of the U.S. oil.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    Orville and his brother Wilbur achieved sustained powered flight. This was during the Industrial Revolution, and led to planes and other flying transportation objects.
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    Credit Mobilier Scandal

    It was a company that dealt with congress to build railroads that would change transportation.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He invented the light bulb which could turn electricity to light energy. This invention was revolutionary becuase people wouldn't need candles anymore.
  • Munn v. Illinois

    Munn v. Illinois
    This made states possible to regulate private property if it was strongly tied to the public interest.
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    Homestead Strike

    It's a strike from the people in the town Homestead PN. People feared of losing their jobs, they were angry from pay cuts, and were unwilling to the surrender of labor union. So they seized Carnegie Steel Manufacturing Plant.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    It's a riot that people wanted an eight hour work day. It happened at Haymarket Square. Police tried to settle this riot, so someone threw a bomb into the crowd of people and policemen and it killed eight police. The police then started shooting at the crowd, it killed seven people and wounded twelve others.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    This act investigated railroad management. When it was passed, railroads became the first industry subject to Federal regulation.
  • Eugene Debs

    Eugene Debs
    He built unions of workmen to help make better working conditions and employee rights.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    This act did not allow monopolies in businesses involved in interstate trade.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    A federal government suppression of protests; weakened the power of organized labor but working conditions improved.
  • Lochner v. NY Decision

    Lochner v. NY Decision
    This was a famous case in court about workers needing better working conditions during the Industrial Revolution.
  • J.P. Morgan

    J.P. Morgan
    He was a symbol of finance and industry. Two times he saved the U.S. economy from collapsing. He also created large American corporations, such as AT&T, General Electric Company, and the United States Steel Corporation.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    He improved cars, especially the Model T. He used modern technique to improve upon them, which spread immensly.
  • Mother Jones

    Mother Jones
    She helped a coal miners' strike in her labor movement.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    He invented the telephone during the Industrial Revolution. The phone revolutionized the way people could communicate.