Industrial Revolution

  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    The engineer behing many great inventions such as the Phonogragh, and more commonly known for the invention everyone uses today, the light bulb.
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    This was the first process by which steel could be made and mass produce steel. Developed by Henry Bessemer, involved injecting air into molten iron, and the result, steel, was stonger and lighter than iron, and relatively inexpensive to make.
  • Edwin Drake

    Edwin Drake
    Edwin Drake drilled the first succesful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania. This paved the way for small oil companies and evntually larger ons to start business.
  • Transcontinental Railroad completed

    Transcontinental Railroad completed
    This authorized the consrutin of railroads across the entire U.S.
  • Christopher Sholes

    Christopher Sholes
    While not commonly known, Christopher Sholes made a major impact on American soceity with the invention of the typewriter.
  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

    Credit Mobilier Scandal
    This company took frauded contracts from stockholders who invested money into the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad, and Credit Mobilier of America took this money, some of whih belonged to the government. Wjile no convictions were made after the frauds discovery, the company was ruined.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander Graham Bell is responsible for one of the greatest and most used inventions of the common decade, the telephone. Helping his father with his work, Bell worked with deaf-mutes, which partley inspiritated his idea of the telephone with his knowledge of hearing. He also worked with aeronautics, and many of his ideas are still used today.
  • Munn v. Illinois

    Munn v. Illinois
    This was the question as to whether or not the state of Illinois had authority to regulate th prices of grain elevators. The elevator owners argued that they were entitled to "due process of the law", and that Illinois was taking away their right to the 4th ammendment.
  • Eugene Debs

    Eugene Debs
    He was a leader of organized labor group, as well as a presidential candidate for the Socialists Party. Debs fought for radical social change in the U.S. His faith in socialiasm was strong, but he was not of high intelligence, and passed few policies. Instead, he influenced large crowds with his personality and words.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    A bombexploded in an Illinois market. 7 police were killed and 77 people were injured. This hppened during the a labor strke, and gaind great amounts of publicity. This damagd the likeness of giving laborers better working conditions.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    This regulated the railroad industry as it grew dramatically through out the United States. This showed that there was a congressional response to calls for order in the industry, and it lead the way for many other federal commissions.
  • J. P. Morgan

    J. P. Morgan
    J. P. Morgan was very wealthy and merged his company with his late father's banking firm to create the largest and most stable bnaking house in america.
  • Sheman Antitrust Act

    Sheman Antitrust Act
    This was the first law that regulated large corporatons. It also eliminated monopolies.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    Workers at the Homestead Steel plant went on strike. thi occured because th workers were afraid to loose their jobs, did ot want more salary cuts, and were unwilling to let go of thir labor union.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Pullman Strike was a strike the workers of Pullman Palace Car Company because the laborers had gotten major wage cuts. Through representing themselves at conventions, the public sympathy was high for the workers. This is considered one of the most famous clashes between laborers and capitals.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    Rockefeller owned a company known as the Standard Oil Company, which he got from his father. With an unstable childhood life, John imposed order and set high goals in his adult life. He assured dominance of the oil companies' market to gain order, and did so through highly competitive methods. His style of managing is what made a difference in America. he built a structure of managers, which made running a company easier and more efficient.
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Ford revolutionized the auto-mobile industry with the Model-T. The method of car production let the cars be mass produced, and at a reasonable cost for he American consumers.
  • Wright Brohers

    Wright Brohers
    Wibur and orville wright had their fist seuccessful airplane flight in North Carolina near Kitty Hawk.
  • Lochner v. NY Decision

    Lochner v. NY Decision
    This decision changed the way things were decided in the Supreme Court. It changed the interpreting of the Constitution, which led to amending it. The issue at hand regarded baker work hours, 10 hours a day, 6 das a week.
  • Mother Jones

    Mother Jones
    Without a family and finacially ruined, Mary "Mother" Jones wanted to help others after her great misfortune. She travelled the country wherever there was labor strife and spread word about unions. She worked to stop child labor in the south. Jones was known for organizing parades that represented such things so as to gain public sympathy.