
Imperialism In Great Britain

  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    There were two opium wars and they were used to try and open commercial trade in China. This created tension between the Anglo Chinese and British and eventually weakened the Qing dynasty. The Treaty of Nanjing attempted to sever unfair diplomatic tension between China and Britain, but many citizens felt it was unfair, leading to the second war.China was trading opium at the time and it began in 1839.
  • The Indian/Sepoy Mutiny

    The Indian/Sepoy Mutiny
    The British army tried to halt the native Indians after an outbreak by an angry mob who wanted there customs and way of life back. They were protesting British authority and The East India company. Their clashes often lead to bloody atrocities and the death of many. Indians did not like the political and economic reformations and proved that European powers are not invisible.The mutiny consisted of multiple campaigns, the first of which being, the siege and capture of Delhi.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    Peasants began siege on a European portion of Beijing for months. The Chinese government did nothing to stop them and it was an anti-foreign uprising. Great Britain sent 12,020 troops to the coast of China to assist in the Western domination. Beijing fell on On August 5, 1900 and British and American forces entered Yangcun fiercely. By the end of the rebellion the Qing dynasty was required to allow foreign powers inside their empire. 1901 was the ending and it began in 1899.