
Imperialism Rodriguez

  • United States vs. Mexico

    United States vs. Mexico
    After the war, United States gained the "thinly populated regions of northern Mexico", which is now present-day California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.
  • Imperialism Explodes

    Imperialism Explodes
    Europeans took advantage of their considerable power and began to "bring the world under their influence and control". This new imperialism spread out by causes such as economic interests; that also brought political and military motives, humanitarian and religious goals, and the idea of having superiority towards others. Western imperialism began to rapidly spread.
  • Period: to

    The New Imperialism

    Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region.
    Imperialism had always been around but when Europeans began to use their considerable power on a more agggresive expansion, that's when imperialism became a whole new idea.
  • Resiting Imperialism

    Resiting Imperialism
    Muslim regions started to have reform movements. African leaders and Africans in general held nationalist movements to resist imperialism. They "faced powerful threats from Western imperialists".
  • Period: to

    Resisting Imperialism

    Muslim regions started to have reform movements. African leaders and Africans in general held nationalist movements to resist imperialism. They "faced powerful threats from Western imperialists".
  • Indian Nationalism

    Indian Nationalism
    Nationalist leaders came together to create the Indian National Congress to have a peaceful protest, and hopefully gain self-rule while supporting Western-style.
  • Modernize Government

    Modernize Government
    The emperor of Japan issued the Meji constitution, which set the fourth principle that all citizens were equal before the law. After this, Japan "established a Western-style bureaucracy with separate departments..".
  • Southeast Asia Under Control

    Southeast Asia Under Control
    Europeans at this point controlled almost all of Southeast Asia. The changes made there benefited the European colonizers more then they benefited the Southeast Asians.
  • Increased Pressure

    Increased Pressure
    German empire, pressured by Europeans and all other countries taking control, built a Berlin-to-Baghdad railway.
  • Three Principles

    Three Principles
    Chinease nationalism had continued to spread even though the Boxer Uprising, a group of Chinese formed a secret society, had failed. Sun Yat-sen had introduced the "Three Principles of the People "; nationalism, deomocracy, and livelihood were the three principles.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The building of Panama canal began. This was after the Panamanians won independence from Cuba, and gave United States the control to build the canal on their land.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination
    There were many factors, including, Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism & Nationalism, but this is the single event that sparked or ignited World War I.