
  • 1898 BCE

    The Maine

    The Maine
    The Maine had been sent to Cuba in January 1898 after riots broke out in the streets of Ha- vana. Fearing harm to American citizens and property, President McKinley sent the Maine to Cuba to protect American interests.
  • Period: to

    Declaring War

    The United States came close to declaring war against Germany over Samoa in 1889; against Chile in 1891 over the treatment of U.S. sail- ors; and against Britain in 1895, over a territo- rial dispute between Venezuela and Britain.
  • China

    In the late 1800s, the United States also focused its attention on China. This huge nation was rich in resources and offered a potentially large market for American goods. In the 1890s, the United States and other foreign powers watched with inter- est as China and Japan engaged in a war over Korea
  • The economy

    The economy
    By 1890, the United States had by far the world's most productive economy.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    “Signed by Spain and the United States in December 1898, the Treaty of Paris (1898) officially ended the war. Spain gave up control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific island of Guam. It also sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million.”
  • Open door policy

    Open door policy
    first statement, in 1899, called on foreign nations to allow free trade in China. Although some foreign powers gave vague replies, Hay boldly announced that the Open Door Policy was "final and definitive.”
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The plan to dig a canal across Central America did not originate with Roosevelt, he nevertheless played a crucial role in its history. In the late 1800s, a French company had tried to link the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama but failed. Afterward, some suggested building a canal through Nicaragua. However, those plans came to nothing. In 1903, the U.S. government bought the Panama route for $40 million”
  • Roosevelt

    In 1904, Roosevelt formalized this policy in a major address to Congress. He reminded his audience that the Monroe Doctrine was de- signed to prevent Europeans from interfering in the Americas.
  • Nicaragua

    In Nicaragua, for example, the U.S. supported a revolt that brought a pro-U.S. leader into power in 1911. American banks then provided loans to the new government. The govern- ment was corrupt and unpopular, however, and a new revolt broke out in 1912.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1913, he tried to take a moral ap- proach to foreign relations.
    He called this policy Moral Diplomacy.