Impact of the Colombian Exchange on the Enviroment

  • Period: Feb 10, 1450 to Feb 10, 1550

    Theme 1: Intercations between Humans and the Enviroment 1400-1750

    Although the Columbian Exchange brought little continuity in the world in the slave trade, the changes over time of these goods are higher in the food,animals and diseases
  • Feb 10, 1492

    Start of Columbian Exchange

    Chiristopher Columbus sails to the Americas thinking he's landed in India. He tries food that he had never tasted before, and he brought these foods back to Europe and Africa with him and they spread like fire. This was a change over time becasue over time more and more foods started arriving in the New world from the Europenas and in Europe from the Natives and if he had never found the Americas, then we wouldn't exist today
  • Oct 15, 1492

    Tobacco introduced to Europeans.

    Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves as a gift from the American Indians that he encountered. Soon after, sailors brought tobacco back to Europe, and the plant was being grown all over Europe. This was a change over time because these tobacco leaves were used for everything, from pleasure purposes to curing cancer over time.
  • Feb 10, 1493

    Horses Introduced to the Americas

    The Spainiards brought over horses with them to the new world when they came. They were domesticated when they came over, but then left to run wild. This was a change over time becasue earlier the Indians didn't have horses and coulnd't do things as easily. The horses were used for hunting,trade, and traveling long distances in these Native American tribes and without them they wouldnt of been able to have more advanced societies.
  • May 10, 1493

    Sugar Was Introduced

    Sugar cane was brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus during his second voyage in 1493 and was cultivated in Santo Domingo. Sugar production, though agricultural, was a highly industrial thing. This was a change over time becasue the sugar plantations took a lot of hard labor and throughout time more and more slaves were brought to the Amereicas to work on these sugar plantations.
  • Feb 10, 1495

    Maize introduced in Europe

    By the late 15th Century, Maize also known as corn was brought over to Europe by Christopher Columbus on one of his voyages. The Indians helped starving early settlers by introducing corn to them and showing them how to cook it and also how to grow it. This was a change over time becasue the corn was introudcued first to the Europeans settlers and as time went on, the corn spread to the rest of the world and is now used in many different ways all over the world.
  • Feb 10, 1500

    Smallpox Breaks Out

    Smallpox broke out in the Americas because the Native American immunities weren't strong enough for these European diseases. Smallpox was caused because of the goods that the Europeans brought over to the new world with them when they came. This was a change over time because had the Europeans not brought over these items, the majority of the native populations wouldn't of died off rapidly.
  • Feb 10, 1528

    Cocoa Beans Introudced

    Cocao beans were first introdcued to Spain in 1528.The cacao beans played an impoprtant role in the traditions, religion, and legends of the Aztecs. The cacao beans, so highly prized, were actually used as money at times.This was a change over time becasue the Europeans took the cacoa beans back with them and added sugar and milk and gave it the taste that we all know today. If it weren't for the introduction of cocao beans,we wouldnt have chocolate as good tasting medicine
  • Feb 10, 1539

    Pigs Introduced in America

    Pigs were first introduced in Florida by the Europenas. This was a chnage over time becasue before the columbian exchange the new world didn't have pigs to use in thie everyday lifes.
  • Feb 10, 1539

    Measles came to America

    Measles started to break out in the Americas like wildfire because these native populations hadn't developed immunities against these European dieseases. They started dying off rapidly and soon the once huge empries were decreased into small little tribes.This was a change over time because if the Europeans hadn't brought over their goods, the native people wouldn't be dying off by the thousands. Over time, the later generations developed immunities that helped them live through these diseases.
  • Feb 10, 1550

    Potatoes Brought Over to Spain

    The Irish Potatoes- not really Irish- were first cultivated by the Inca people in the Andes Mountains in South America.It's high on vitamins, starch and calories, and can pretty much grow in any soil, making it the perfect food for feeding the poor. This was a change over time becasue Spain was first introduced to these potatoes and over time they found different ways to use the vegetable such as French Frys,boiled potatoes, and for several medical purposes