Immigration and urbanization 2 728

Immigration/ Industrialization Timeline

  • Potato Famine in Ireland

    Potato Famine in Ireland
    This was a time of starvation because other food would not grow. This promoted immigration from Ireland.
  • First Transcontinental Railroad Completed

    First Transcontinental Railroad Completed
    This was a railroad that linked the network of railroads of the Eastern coast with California. It was important because this helped with transportation cross country and the shipping of food and other goods from each side of the country.
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the Telephone
    Alexander Bell patent the telephone after getting his telephone to work. This revolutionized telecommunication with others.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act is Passed

    Chinese Exclusion Act is Passed
    It was a federal law that the did not allow chinese laborors in the US. It was important because it was the main restriction on free immigration.
  • Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Ellis Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    Ellis Island opening to process immigrants was huge and it was the first place everyone had to go before entering the U.S. This was important because they kept track of who entered and kept disease out.
  • William Jennings Bryan Runs for President

    William Jennings Bryan Runs for President
    This was run for presidency better known as a realigning election. His election was based on silver which didn't appeal to many so he lost.
  • William KcKinley is assassinated

    William KcKinley is assassinated
    William McKinley was shot and killed inside the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York. Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist was the shooter. This shook Amerca.
  • Andrew Carnegie sells his company to J.P. Morgan, creating U.S. Steel

    Andrew Carnegie sells his company to J.P. Morgan, creating U.S. Steel
    Carnegie sells out to J.P. Morgan for $480 million, which is his biggest rival. This makes Carnegie the richest man in the world. Morgan then created U.S. Steel.
  • Teddy Roosevelt Creates System of National Parks

    Teddy Roosevelt Creates System of National Parks
    Teddy Roosevelt created the system of national parks well just because he could and he cared about the environment and he signed an Antiquities Act. It gave presidents the right to name any land mark as a national park.
  • Henry Ford Creates the Model T

    Henry Ford Creates the Model T
    The Model T was a car built by the Ford Motor Company (1908-1927). More than 15 million Model Ts were built and sold.
  • Opening of Angel Island Immigration Station

    Opening of Angel Island Immigration Station
    It is an island in the San Francisco Bay. Angel Island was a place where immigrants came to the United States had to go first to be tested.
  • Standard Oil Ruled a Monopoly

    Standard Oil Ruled a Monopoly
    The Supreme Court made the dissolution of S.O.C., saying that it was a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The problem really was that he controlled to much for the government to handle.
  • 16th Amendment Adopted

    16th Amendment Adopted
    This allows the Congress to force/impose an income tax without having to divide it among the states. Income tax helps fund the military, build roads, bulid bridges, enforce laws and many other things.
  • 17th Amendment Adopted

    17th Amendment Adopted
    This set up the election process for senators. This allowed the state legislatures to select the senators for the states but then with time came change to even that. This change included only 2 from each state for only 6 years.
  • 19h Amendment adopted

    19h Amendment adopted
    The 19th amendment allows women to vote. This was just the beginning for women's rights.