Immagration Policy

  • 1790 Naturalization Act

    -Become a citezen if you are a free white male and considered a
    ¨good person¨ and lived in the U.S. for 2 years
  • 1864 Immagration Act

    -added position, comissioner of Immagration
    -Report to Secretary of State
    -Labor contracts for immagrants
    -Immagrants exempt from military service
  • 1948 Displaced Persons Act

    • Individuals vicitim of Nazi government could come to America due to fear of prosecution -Granted residency and employment, bring their family
  • 2006 Secure Fence Act

    -Bushe´s effort to refom immagration,
    -Homeland Security gains control over U.S-Mexican border
    -Construction of physical barriers begins
    -Fence reinforcement