Humanities Timeline

  • Period: to

    Humantiies Timeline

  • Minutemen

    They were used to defend colonies that did not have trained soldiers or militias. They gave the town safety because they were there protecting it.
  • Currency act

    This act was made to protect the merchants from inflation due to the limited use of the new money produced by the colonists.Merchants would have gone broke if this act was not passed or created.
  • French & Indian War

    Also known as the Seven Year War. It was a war between the natives with the french angainst the colonists. This war occured because the natives had thought that the colonists had taken enough of the mainland and decided to fight back.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    It was made to create a unified government between the 13 colonies.
  • Sugar Act

    The stamp act was a tax that made it so that everything with sugar was an extra tax to have.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp was a tax where the colonists had to pay extra for anything with a stamp such as certain documants and papers.
  • Writs of Assisstance

    The Writs of assisstance were little letters that were carried by sherifs and law people. With the Writs of Assisstance they had the power to search anywhere for anything without having to get the permission of anyone.
  • Pontiacs War

    Named after a Native American leader Pontiac’s war was fought because the Natives were unsatisfied with the Britishes rule over them and had finally attacked.When they had attacked they destroyed 8 forts and killed or captured many colonist.The colonists had reacted by negotiating with the Natives.Although the Natives were unable to drive the british away they had made the British change certain policies that had caused the war.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation had gone into effect after the Seven Year War/French & Indian War and what it had done was make sure that the colonists would no longer move westward.Also it was to calm the indians to not start another war and the Colonists felt as though their prize was stripped from them.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    This committee was a shadow government in the 1700’s and had taken action against Britain when they could.Also they were a strong communication source throughout the colonies when the war had started.The colonists had thought of it as good because now they had a good means of communication.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    This committee was a shadow government in the 1700’s and had taken action against Britain when they could.Also they were a strong communication source throughout the colonies when the war had started.The colonists had thought of it as good because now they had a good means of communication.
  • Boycotts

    They didn’t want to pay the British during the Revolutionary War because it would be a waste. They used their own supplies for themselves and the British didn't gain any money so they were in great debt. The colonies had gotten more money from the boycotts toward Britain.
  • Sons of LIberty

    The Sons Of Liberty were made up of merchants and were known as the Great Nine but throughout their time it had grown to be the Sons Of Liberty.Also the Sons Of Liberty were feared wherever they were and what they had done was make stamp distributors resign, either by killing them or threatening them..The Colonists had feared them very well and even the British did not interfere with them.
  • Sons of Liberty

    The Sons Of Liberty were made up of merchants and were known as the Great Nine but throughout their time it had grown to be the Sons Of Liberty.Also the Sons Of Liberty were feared wherever they were and what they had done was make stamp distributors resign, either by killing them or threatening them..The Colonists had feared them very well and even the British did not interfere with them.
  • Daughters of Liberty

    The Daughters of Liberty supported the boycott of tea and cloth produced in England. They urged American colonists to support American businesses and to produce their own products. In 1774 the Daughters of Liberty confiscated goods from merchants who inflated their prices after Boston Harbor was blockaded.
  • Townshend acts

    The townshend act was a tax that had affected imports to the colonies.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was approved after the French & Indian war which had taxed the colonists on tea which was very commonly used. It was approved due to Great Britain having low funds.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of Massachusetts Patriots had grabbed 362 chests that were granted from parliament to be sold in the Colonies and had thrown them into the ocean. Also Parliament had reacted with the Intolerable Act of 1774.The Colonists had reacted to the new intolerable act with The American revolution.The result of the Colonists actions is America.
  • Quatering Act

    Allowed a governor to house soldiers in other buildings,such as: barns, inns, among other unoccupied structures, if suitable quarters were not provided. Some colonists didn’t like it because they felt like their privacy was being invaded and were just giving food to a random soldiers along with other needs.
  • New England restraining Act

    It was the ministry's response to the American colonies' decision to boycott British goods. It affected the colonists by not giving them as much goods that they use to get because they limited the trade between New England and Britain.
  • Coercive act (Intolerable act)

    It was also known as The Intolerable act and the reason of it was to strip massachusetts of its historical and self-government rights because they had caused the Boston tea party in 1773.Also it was caused by parliament and what the colonists had done was have The American Revolution in 1775.
  • Restraining act

    After the Coercive Acts was sent to Great Britain, Britain had sent the Restraining act back to say that On July 1st the Colonists could only trade with Great Britain and on July 20th.The Colonists could no longer fish in the atlantic Ocean.The Colonists did not like to be treated this way and afterwards had The American Revolution in 1775.
  • Restraining Act

    After the Coercive Acts was sent to Great Britain, Britain had sent the Restraining act back to say that On July 1st the Colonists could only trade with Great Britain and on July 20th.The Colonists could no longer fish in the atlantic Ocean.The Colonists did not like to be treated this way and afterwards had The American Revolution in 1775.
  • Continental Congress

  • Petition

    It was an attempt to declare the rights of the colonists while maintaining their loyalty to the British. Many Americans did not want to break away forever from Great Britain. Many were angry with British policies and treatment, but they thought an agreement could somehow be reached with the King that would apologize what they had done to them. After hearing of the King's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition, many colonists were furious.
  • Continental Army

    It was created to organize the military efforts of the Thirteen Colonies in their rise against the rule of Great Britain. It made the colonists feel safe and secure.
  • Prohibitory Act

    It was passed as a measure of retaliation by Great Britain against the general rebellion then going on in her American colonies, which became known as the American Revolutionary War. The colonies and Congress immediately reacted by issuing letters of marque that authorized individual American ship owners to seize British ships.
  • Restraining Act

    The Restraining act of 1775 had restrained the colonists to only trade with britain and not being able to fish in the atlantic.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston massacre was when British colonist had 'attacked' british soldiers and the soldiers had opened fire due to either being afraid or of trying to make the colonists afraid of them.
  • Lexington & Concord

    General Gage had sent out a small army of British soldiers to Lexington to take Colonial leaders Sam Adams and John Hancock and in Concord they would steal weapons and ammo that the colonists were stockpiling but spies and friends of the Americans had leaked the information out.Also the General wanted to stop an insurrection of the colonists from happening.The Colonist had reacted by attacking the British soldiers during the raid and stopped them.
  • Second Continental Congres

    They had managed the colonial war effort and had made the Declaration of Independence in 1776.Also under the Second Congress British control had been distinguished.
  • Battle of Bunkerhill

    When this had occurred British soldiers were sent to occupy hills near cities but spies had given the information to the colonists and so, William Prescott had led a 1,200 army into Bunker hill stealthily but the British army was alerted of their presence the next day and had attacked and won the battle of Bunker Hill.The British intent was to get even for losing the battles of Lexington & Concord.The result of the battle was that Charleston was burned down.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    It was originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson but rewritten by John dickinson then later adopted by the Second Continental Congress.The Olive Branch Petition was to make sure that an all out war was not to be made with Great Britain.In the End, the Petition was rejected by the king.When the colonists heard that the Olive Branch Petition had failed it had caused many to not know what to do.What was thought was either to submit to Great Britain or seek complete Independence through war.
  • Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec was fought between the American Continental Army and the British Defenders of Quebec City. Also it was a mission for the Americans to capture the city of Quebec and gain a support place for the Armies in Canada.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration stated that all of the 13 Colonies were now independent states, rather than being apart of the British Empire.Also it was saying that from now on and forever that each man and women are to be equals and that the British were not treating them without respect.After the Declaration of Independence was signed Britain tried to negotiate with the colonists to rejoin them but were rejected.
  • Loyalists

    One reason was that people knew England was the most powerful country in the world at the time, and they feared breaking away from them to form the American nation. Many people felt that their lives would be better off if the colonies remained under British rule. Some of these people were simply afraid to go up against the might of the British army. Some people wanted their own country and didn’t want anyone to be obeying the rules of britain still.
  • Patriots

    The colonists of the Thirteen Colonies that violently rebelled against British control during the American Revolution. They had caused a independence from Britain and going to war against the British.Some people still wanted to be apart of Britain not want to go to war with Britain but the Patriots did for their own reasons.
  • Policy of non-Importation

    This was to forbid certain goods from Great Britain to be limited and to make Britain respect American sailors in the sea.This policy was later removed and replaced by The Embargo Act of 1807.The sailors were grateful of the policy but had thought of it unnecessary.
  • Militia

    It was a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. It affected the colonists in a good way because it was a way to be protected from the British.