hughs "making of the modern world" timeline

  • James watts

    James Watts developes a much more efficient steam engine
  • american decloration

    in 1776 america declared a decloration of independience and declared americsa colonies apart from great britain, the en that declared it were, Benajmin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R livingston and John Adams
  • first fleet

    in 1788 the first fleet landed in botany bay in australia, begining british settlement in australia
  • french revolution

    Out break of the french revoloution, citizens of paris, headed bye the national gaurds storm astille prisonon 14 july
  • the battery

    Alessandro Volta invents a battery to store electrical current,, the unit of electricity the volt is named after him
  • 1812, workers smash machinery

    durong 1812 workers smashed machiners fearing it would take there jobs
  • first passanger railway

    George Stephenson builds the first passenger railway between liverpool and manchester
  • edward hargraves

    edward hargraves discovers gold in bathurst nsw australia creating a spark of gold rushes around the australian country
  • federation of australia

    the siz colines of austraia form one nation
  • first heavyer than air flight

    wilbur and orville wright create an airiplane and fly for 12 meters

    the then worlds biggest ship the titanic sinks on its voyage inn the atlantic ocean killing 1517
  • WW1

    world war 1 ends with the defeat of germany