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  • The Overman Committee

    It was a committee that investigated German and Bolshevik elements in the U.S. It then later investigated communist Bolshevism.
  • The Fish Committee

    This committee made extensive investigations into persons and organizations that were suspected of supporting or being communist.
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    McCormack-Dickstein Committee

    It was created to investigate Nazi propaganda and other propaganda activities. It was to get "information on how foreign subversive propaganda entered the U.S. and the organizations that were spreading it." It investigated allegations of a plot to seize the White House.
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    Dies Committee

    The House Committee on Un-American Activities was established to investigate disloyalty of private and public citizens, and organizations suspected to have communist or fascist ties.
  • The Smith Act

    The Alien Registration Act, also known as the Smith Act, was passed this day, allowing the incarceration of those suspected for being disloyal to America
  • The HUAC Becomes Permanent

  • Almost Investigating the KKK

    The Committee considered investigating the KKK, but decided against it
  • Truman's Loyalty Act

    Truman’s loyalty Act, otherwise known as Executive Order 9835, became the first general loyalty program in the US and was established in order to root out Communists in the government. The order let the FBI run name checks on 2 million federal employees. If loyalty was suitably questioned, employees could be fired.
  • Hollywood Ten

    The Hollywood Ten are the first to be blacklisted
  • Dennis v. United States

    Several higher members of the American Communist Party were convicted under the Smith Act, declaring that they did not have the right of the First Amendment under the Smith Act.
  • High Noon

    The last movie from Carl Foreman before he was forced to leave the country due to being blacklisted. A movie about four bandits who attempt to take over a town and a marshal who has to stop them without any sort of support from the rest of the town. Symbolic of the a smaller group standing up against a bigger force
  • Salt of the Earth

    Considered to be propaganda for the USSR Everyone who had helped produce the movie was blacklisted The movie challenged conservative McCarthy era values and as a result was considered subversive and communist, such as the idea of overthrowing a regime. The movie was focused on racial and gender equality and labor issues, issues that were labeled as communist during the McCarthy eraMany viewed it as an attempt to “undermine” HUAC
  • Yates v. United States

    14 lower officials of the Communist Party of the USA were convicted with violating the Smith Act. The defense was that the party was using passive acts, and that violation of the Smith Act must involve active attempts to overthrow the government. The case went to the Supreme Court and was decided that the First Amendment protected them unless they posed a “clear and present danger”
  • The Committee Investigates the KKK

    Under Edwin Willis, the committee investigates the KKK