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How we can help a group of refugees

By g.athan
  • The arrival of refugees in my town

    The arrival of refugees in my town
    First of all, my town can integrate successfully 4500 refugees because my town is small. Also we can accomodate them at sports centers or abandoned houses.
  • The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed

    The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed
    We can invite them to help in farming, the mainstay of the area economy. Moreover the other refugees can be imployed in house cleaning or they can help the residents to make homemade food.
  • How our schools can help

    How our schools can help
    My school can help in a positive way.It can provide refugees children with greek and english lessons and teach them our culture and lifestyle. Also my school can help with organising bazzars, charities or any other raising event, in order to raise some clothes and toys.
  • The potential benefits for local community

    The potential benefits for local community
    By the integration of the refugees, our town will benefit in many ways. First of all they can spend their money in a local shops, as a result of this the economy of our local community could be enhanced. One more benefit is that refugees can work in factories or other businesses.Also it will be created a sence of solidarity and unity between refugees and local people.