How the Government Came to Be

  • Men from the United States go exploring for unclaimed territory.

    Erin Walker and her fellow scientists go to explore the unknown, searching for new land.
  • New land is discovered!!

    A tropical, lush land is found near the equator, and the scientists claim it. The land is named Waler.
  • People of the United States begin to populate Waler.

    Following the return of the scientists, people hear of the beauty of Waler, and begin to populate the land.
  • A Campaign begins

    There is now a population of about 200,000 people living in Waler. The country is split into 25 counties, and one person from each county is elected to run for president by the others within their county.
  • Waler seeks order

    As the population continues to grow, the order is lost and there is no longer peace in the town. People begin to bicker and argue over the natural resources. Leadership is sought for.
  • A leader is chosen

    Those that accept the nominee, then campaign against one another for the position as president. In the campaign, the first place winner becomes president, and the second place winner becomes second-in-command, and the presidents right-hand-man.