
Housing By Maciej Frejman

  • 200

    First House

    First House
    The first house was made in the Stone Age. The exact year is unknown as it dates all the way back to the times before Christ.
  • 260

    First Pyramid

    First Pyramid
    2630BC The first pyramid was the step pyramid of Djoser is located at Saqqara. It was built during the 3rd Dynasty for Zoser (Djoser) by Imhotep. It is dated at 2630BC.The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever. The tombs were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his belongings.
  • 410

    Romans Ended

    Romans Ended
    The Roman Era ended is 410AD
  • 430

    Romans Began

    Romans Began
    The Roman Era started in 43AD.
  • Oct 13, 700

    Celts Began

    Celts Began
    700 BC
    The Celtic Era began in 700BC.
  • Feb 27, 1050

    The First Door

    The First Door
    The first door to go in a house was invented in exactly 1050! The door was uknown to man untill that year. It was made out of stone. They were extremely heavy ( approximately 3 tones ) and had hyrogliphics on them. They were used in tamples as it was believed that the door would protect people from the underworld and it's devilish creatures. They also believed that the bigger the door the longer it would last!
  • Oct 13, 1200

    Celts Ended

    Celts Ended
    The Celtis Era ended in 12BC.
  • First Glass Window

    First Glass Window
    The first glass window was invented in 1835. It was a breakthrough as most of the time fire was used to produce light in a house. Often candles would be used or even braziers in the olden days. Over time people started playing with windows and making fancy patterns. and frames to go with the window.
  • Victorian Era

    Victorian Era
    The Victorian Era started in 1837.
  • Victorian Era Ended

    Victorian Era Ended
    The Victorian Era ended in 1901.
  • Period: to


    This timeline shows all the events which are related to the subject of housing, such as: when was the house built? Or when was the doot invented? The history of houses is very intresting as there is lots to explore :)
  • First Eco House

    First Eco House
    In 2009 the first fully Eco Friendly house was made. It had a set of solar panels, a self sufishent wind turbine, and a wide variety of windows to make sure there is a steady income on sunlight and warmth coming into the house. There is also a water recylycing system located under the house which allows unclean water to be filtered and reused.
  • First Brick

    First Brick
    The first brick was made in 749. It was simply made out of mud which was placed in a rectangle box and then left to dry in the sun. After a certain period it was forced out of the box with a hammer and so the first brick was created. The method hasn'r changed a lot although in most parts of the process machines are used.