holocost timeline

  • hitler became chanselor of germany

    hitler became chanselor of germany
    it started when hitler became the chanseler of germany. that had a jewish population of 566,000.
  • first consentration camp to open

    nazis opened dachau the first official camp
  • jews arnt allowed to have health insurance

    jews arnt allowed to have health insurance
  • German President von Hindenburg dies

    German President von Hindenburg dies
    German President von Hindenburg dies and hitler takes his place
  • nazis force woman to get abortions so it would stop there bloodlines

    nazis force woman to get abortions so it would stop there bloodlines
  • nazis force jewish performers to join cultural unions

    nazis force jewish performers to join cultural unions
  • nazis in rhineland

    Nazis occupy the Rhineland
  • olimpics in berlin

    olimpics in berlin
    Olympic games begin in Berlin.
  • Jews are banned from many professional occupations

    Jews are banned from many professional occupations
  • The travelling exhibition in Munich

    The travelling exhibition in Munich
  • nazis in australia

    nazis in australia
    Nazi troops enter Austria, which has a population of 200,000 Jews
  • registering jews property

    Nazis order Jews to register wealth and property
  • nazis force jews to give them all of there gold and silver

    nazis force jews to give them all of there gold and silver
  • denied jews to have jobs

    nazis denied jews the right to have any type of jobs
  • nazis invade france

    nazis invade france
  • france signs an armistice with hitler

  • jews unable to use public transportation

  • At Auschwitz there second gas chamber had major leaks

  • first jewish resistance

  • the nazis surender to russan troops

  • the last 60,000 jews sent to auschwitz

  • jews revolt at Auschwitz

    jews revolt at Auschwitz
  • nazis evacuate Auschwitz

  • hitler commits suicide in his bunker in berlin

    hitler commits suicide in his bunker in berlin