Holocaust Unit

By Alex-21
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This is was very harsh to Germany they had to lose a lot of land because of this. Germany had to give land to France a lot of land that which had a lot of resources that were their. They only have so much things in their army. This was then their could not be another world war.Also they had to pay a lot of money to winning country. So they lost land, lose of military, and pay back the winners.
  • HyperInflation

    So this is over than the normal Inflation, so the prices started to rise and to fats and then it get out of control, and they tries to print more money then people could pay for things. Ex the price of bread 2.37 to 399 billion marks. Also some people burned money to heat their house.
  • Hitler burst onto the scene

  • Beerhall putsch

    Hitler attempepmy to overt German govement, but someone snitnec on him the govement was ready for him and arrested him.
  • Hitler on Trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jew for problems of Germany.
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    The president was a popular war hero named Hindenburg. Republic-When the people chosee the person oto make laws for us.
  • Anne Frank was born

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germeny

    Hitler was a the Chancellor of Germany and he was a very bad man, and he was the cause of the Holocaust, and he lead to WW2. Also was leader of the Nazi party. He became chancellor by makeing people think what he thinks and also made promises about what the people want. Also he had to become the lead dog then he could be Chancellor.
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    A time in history that was a Genocide 6 million Jews died and 5 million other people died. The government,a n was a 10 year plan to started it, Adolf Hitler started of this. Adolf Hitler was a very good speaker he made people think was right and blaming the Jews to for all their issue. Also they kill the people by shooting them or die by disease or they put them in the gas chambers, and also they could know who the Jews were because they would were the Star of David.
  • Reichstag

    Hitler blames communist for fire of the Reichstag(the White house over their)
  • Enabling Act

    Hindgburg givers power of dicision making to hitler
  • Enabling act of march

    Basically gives power decisions making to Hitler within a few mounts, all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated, So this allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals.
  • Nuremberg laws

    Nazies needed a way to identify Jews so could discriminate them, So this was a way to tell that they were Jews
    Nuremberg laws defined people with 3 of 4 Jewish grandparents as "Jewish" and 1 or 2 as "Mixed blood"
    The Impact
    Denied citizenship
    Forbade Jews from marrying no-Jews
    Cannot fly national flag
    Punishment include fines, imprisonment and hard labor.
  • Kristallnacht AKA Night Of Broken Glass

  • Ghettos

    Once that had in control of the Jews they made the Jews live in the Ghettos to keep in an eye on the Jewish people.
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    World War II

  • Euthanasia Program

    systematically killing people deemed "Unworthy of life due to physical disability or mental illness"
  • Germany Incades Poland

    when this happen World War 2, they did this to gain more land because they were mad because they lost a lot of land in World War 1
    Also their was 3 million Jews living in Poland and then that was 6 times more Jews that they had in control.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi leaders approve the "final solution" or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS in the wannsee conference
  • Zyklon B

    This would become the Nazi "preferred method"for Austhizt-birkenau and ajdanek camps
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    mobile killing squads or "actions Kommandos" As the army advanced the soviet Union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied ares and kill them... usually by shooting
    The largest mass-killing by einsatzgruppen on record was at Babi Yar in Ukraine 33,00 people were killed in just under two days tHye copuold of stop becaus the mioltary peope would get scared and then they couldn't do it anymore
  • Anne Frank’s family goes into hiding

    Anne Frank’s family goes into hiding because they were Jews and her family didn't want to get caught and they wanted to survive, and also they they went hiding in the father old factory that he work for before the holocaust.
  • Mr. Dussel moves into the secret annex

    Mr.duseel moces into the annez so that eman it will ber a little corwwed and their won't be as much food as they use to have because a nerw person is moving into annex
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Residents smuggled weapons in
    Uprising lasted for about a month
    SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising
    So they smuggled as much weapons as they can to fight back but they only had mostly pistols and also they were getting better one by killing the solider and then once the Jews kill them they would get their weapons and keep it their.
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    Camp rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at death camps.. Treblinka
    after stealing weapons from guards, prisoners tried to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war
  • Auschwitz Birkenua

    Member of the SonderKommando working in the crematorium fought SS guards killing over 70, but all 250 as well as 200 other were killed in response
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    Death marches

    Allies advancing toward death camps
    Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture
    Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way.
    They brought the Jews because they wanted to complete the final solution,
  • Secret Annex is discovered and captured by Nazis.

    The secret anne is discocerded by the nazi becasre the theft told that Nazies that someone was up their.
  • Liberation

    Camp throughout Europe are liberated by Allied forces. US, Britain, Soviet Union, and the Germany are levaeing the camps left behind. Then some prisonser are begin liberated becaus ehtey can hold with them they need to go fatser.
  • Emirgation

    what do the JEws want to emigartes from europe? Some made their own country irasal after the war
  • what happened to the survivors

    Displaced persons camps- areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live. They gave them clothes and made they have showers, and they share a room with other people and people were happy to be liberated.
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    D.P camp

    this is a camp for the the Jews that surived the holocuast and that is where they went becuase all their family wasn't their anymore
  • Hitler kills himself

    Hitler commit suicide rather than face capture by the soviet red army.
  • Liberation Of Concentration Camps

    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war. On July 23, 1944, they entered the Majdanek camp in Poland, and later overran several other killing centers. On January 27, 1945, they entered Auschwitz and there found hundreds of sick and exhausted prisoners.
  • Mr. Frank returns to the annex and finds Anne’s Diary

    So when he came back he was goginto leave right away becaus rtheir was to mcuh meroiesninthe in the Annx
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    Nurembery Trials

    International Community put a number of Germans on Trial for War Crimes, Crimes against Peace and crimes against humanity.
  • Beerhall Putsch

    Hitler lead people to overthorw the govemtn and it didn't work becae some told the govemnt
  • Anne’s death is confirmed to Otto Frank

    Anne frank died because of typhus-an infectious disease caused by rickettsiae, characterized by a purple rash, headaches, fever, and usually delirium, and historically a cause of high mortality during wars and famines. There are several forms, transmitted by vectors such as lice, ticks, mites, and rat fleas.